Hey Dylan, First off let me say Thank You for providing so much information in your videos, I've watched dang near every one of them and have learned so much. 2nd I want to apologize for how long this e-mail is going to be. I know at the forums would be a quicker response but I didn't want any of this posted and wanted to talk to just you directly, regardless of how long it takes you to respond if you even do respond at all. So as you say in your videos lets get right into it lol. Alright so, my best friend did some steroids for the first time ever back in August of 2015, he said they were the greatest thing he's ever done. I was still hesitant on doing them, but we both had a drug problem (meth and pills) and he quit because of the steroids. After I seen that he was able to stay away from meth I decided to give them a try to see if my mindset would be the same. It wasn't, and I continued doing meth while doing the steroids and had no idea of anything really. So I wanted to get some size back but still do drugs, very stupid I agree. Had no idea what to do with the roids and all I had was bro science. I knew deca would put on size and the guy we got the roids from said I would love Masteron. So that was my first little cycle was deca and Masteron lol. Wasn't told about side-effects, on-cycle support, pct or anything like that. I just did them. And this was all through this past winter. I didn't do them right at all and still did drugs but also those things put on 20 pounds while I was doing meth. So I thought good lord if I could quit the drugs and actually do this right imagine what could happen. So yes I was careless and wreckless and it probably wasn't a good idea because I did them for the wrong reasons but in turn they got me off drugs so that right there in my eyes is the BIGGIE! I am 5 months sober from any substance and it's because of roids. Alright continuing on, well I didn't necessarily know what was going to happen after they were gone. I received the dreaded deca dick, lost everything (which wasn't anything really except putting on just 20lbs from eating all the time because I didn't work out, I just went to work) I shrunk back down to my 152 pounds and my motivation to do anything was completely shot. So I vowed not to let that happen again and started reading, researching, filling my head with so much information that my girlfriend thought I didn't even give a shit about her anymore because all my attention was focused on reading and watching videos (namely a couple of yours). After that first catastrophe was over I told the guy I got them from to get me Test 250, Masteron, and Deca. Took him 3 months to get those to me, and I received Test enathate 250, Masteron Prop 100, and Nandrolone Decanoate 300. I didn't know anything about esters so I thought the bro science I received of 1 shot a week still applied. And yes I know 3 methylated roids for my "1st actual cycle" is not a good idea, I know that now lol. I don't even count that first thing I did over the winter as a cycle because really I didn't do anything with it (I don't know where you're located but I'm referring to the US In times of seasons). So I had a little information going into the cycle I'm currently finishing up (the test, deca, masteron) but obviously not enough. Now I'm extremely sorry to bore you with all of that but I felt you needed to know my story before you went straight into judgment and everything like that lol.