
Please help me with diet on Tren Ace?


New member
I have cycled before a few times, each time with Anavar and testosterone.

I am now using Tren Ace for the first time (40 mg injected daily)... To be perfectly honest, I feel much healthier on this than on 500 mg test enanthate (all wet compounds make me ill, even if I use a lot of AI).

But anyway I digress... I had been following the perfectly typical bodybuilder diet as I have always done. You know, skinless chicken breast, broccoli, oats, carrots, zucchini (sp?), peppers, onions, mushrooms mixed in a stir fry. Also if I'm honest I get sick of chicken and don't like other lean sources of meat so have a couple of Quest protein bars to boost the protein count lol... Though from chicken alone I already get around 200 grams of protein per day.

However very recently someone who told me he advises pro bodybuilders says that my diet is terrible and I need to have much higher cholesterol, sodium, and potassium to get good gains. He linked me to this study:

Now, I've been keeping my health markers really good (120/77 blood pressure etc), probably due to clean eating with pretty low sodium intake, plus using things like black garlic etc. to keep my cholesterol down. But according to him this will kill my potential results. I was also told to add 20g chia seeds for PUFA fats which I have done.

Is it true that I am killing my gains by limiting my sodium and cholesterol and will end up with shit results? I'm obviously a bit concerned about adding these things in as keeping them down is probably why my health is near perfect on this cycle. Also I heard a rumor that potassium causes kidney strain on tren, but I have been advised to take in at least 5000mg through dietary sources. I do probably get a fair amount but not likely near that figure...

Thought I'd ask for advice on here, especially as I've watched so many of Dylan's videos (but - probably due to his old channel being removed - I can't find much dietary info on these specific micronutrients etc).
Hello mate. My numbers are 200 g carbs, 65 g fats, 250 g protein. I track everything on MFP, the numbers may vary very slightly but that's about it. Most of the fat is monounsaturated, and I do take Omega 3 capsules. Cholesterol intake is very low, like, negligible amounts. I can add it in easily by switching some stuff out for eggs if needed.

My dietary sodium intake is around 2000 mg per day, potassium I think around the same. However, when I wake up I take a sachet of Dioralyte (an electrolyte supplement from the pharmacy) to replenish what I sweated out at night and that has a fair bit of sodium and potassium. I don't sweat terribly on tren at night, but figure it's good to replenish myself before going and working out really hard.

Would it give much better results (while still being safe) to add, say, 3 eggs (750 mg cholesterol roughly), put a load of salt on my food, and eat a bunch more mushrooms for more potassium?
I would definitely eat more saturated fats, you don't need a ton. Eggs are great as you get both the saturated fats and omega 3's and many other trace metals/minerals. 2,000mg of sodium isn't too low unless you're sweating excessively or doing a lot of cardio and sport activities. You can use lite salt which has both sodium and potassium chloride in it, this can help raise your potassium but it will raise your sodium levels too. I personally like spinach as a source of potassium but you do need to eat a fair bit of it. Potatoes are also good for potassium, but obviously you'll be limited by your carb intake. They end up being quite a bit more potassium per calorie than oats are, but they do digest quicker. If you're eating them with a meal that has fat, the digestion portions becomes more negligible.

There is always controversy in regards to sodium intake, but in my opinion, if you don't have blood pressure issues and you don't have a noticeable change in blood pressure, then having a higher sodium diet isn't going to hurt you. Some claim they get bloating, and it's true that water will follow salt. But your body does produce a hormone called aldosterone that regulates this. This is one way bodybuilders and athletes can manipulate the "aldosterone swing" and temporarily drop a bunch of water weight. So, if you're eating a diet that has your sodium intake relatively the same from day to day with no wild swings, most individuals should not have bloating issues.

Brilliant advice man, thank you. That is in fact another reason I kept sodium low, because water retention bugs me so much, did not know much of aldosterone.

Is there a particular sat. fat intake I should aim for? I can get in around 25 to 30 without much issue.

I'm on a recomp/cutter btw if it makes any difference.
Not trying to be rude man but it sounds like you need to do more research on your diet and figuring ou what works best for your body before even throwing tren, which in itself is strong as hell at your body
Not trying to be rude man but it sounds like you need to do more research on your diet and figuring ou what works best for your body before even throwing tren, which in itself is strong as hell at your body

Bro the web is filled with completely contradictory information on every board or site you visit, so it's really hard to figure out a concrete answer :/ I can't say I've ever noticed a big difference with different diet plans, I've always just focused on macros. Just get in the high protein from good sources, then carb and fat intake differs based on whether I'm cutting or lean bulking (I never straight bulk, can't psychologically deal with fat gain)... Oh and try to get in a bulk of carbs with protein shortly after working out.

Also I am using TRT dose test with this. I know tren is meant to be very strong, but I do feel much healthier with better health markers than when I cycle testosterone.

I'm gonna incorporate the advice above though (and that I received from that other guy I mentioned), and see what happens :)
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Imo unless youre competing at the highest levels where every little bit can mean the difference between 1st and 3rd, youre not going ro see a whole lot of difference. Yes you want the ultimate in nutrition but at the same time you can go overboard or over think what really can be very basic. Youve been cycling for a while( i believe you said)so you should be able to see and know subtle differences. Everyone is different so what worked for one person may not work for you. The only way is to try it. Find the different nutritional approaches that work for you or the results you want when cutting or bulking. That only comes through trial and error. Track it so you can have data to look at but to me the mirror tells no lies

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Yes you are right and there is alot of bro-science out there. The only advice we can give you will only be a baseline and a starting point. You need to trial and error and figure out what works for your body and what doesn't. What works for me may not work for you. I cam get away with eating high carbs like 600-700 and like 4500 calories bc my body has a natural fast metabolism. But that wouldn't work for everyone. Follow basic rules. Keep protein high with lean meats or higher fat meats in bulking and adjust carbs and fats accordingly based on how you respond. And also if you are truly trying to put on lots of muscle you cant be afraid to put on some fat, its inevitable. You can in a sense keep in under control though and throw in bouts of mini cuts to keep it in check and make you body insulin sensitive again and primed for putting on more mass. And I say that bc I was in that boat and was addicted go being shredded but was spinning my wheels and now I've done it right I've put on more mass and strength but still kept fat in check. Good luck to you
You've got a solid diet and training routine. It's great that you're keeping track of your health markers, especially while trying out Tren Ace. The balance between health and performance can be tricky. While higher cholesterol and sodium may benefit some people in terms of muscle gains, it depends on your body and goals. Consider gradually experimenting with sodium and cholesterol levels while monitoring your feelings and health markers.
I just saw your post, and I can't help wondering. Regarding Tren Ace's diet, focus on keeping it clean and balanced. Lean proteins like chicken, fish, and turkey are your best friends. They help with muscle recovery, which is super important.
Ypur diet looks decent to me. While on tren ypunisially want carbs a bit higher as it will burn through a lot of carbs. I'd raise carb count to maybe 300g per day and have fats at 75g
I believe there is such a thing as too clean of a diet and you absolutely need potassium and cholesterol in your diet. Getting enough potassium from diet alone is hard if not impossible and I would sugest take a supplement you can get 99mg capsules all the way up to 500mg capsules which is what I recommend. I have issues with blood pressure off or on cycle and I take a lot of potassium throughout the day. Especially when drinking alcohol and eating high sodium foods.
I just saw your post, and I can't help wondering. Regarding Tren Ace's diet, focus on keeping it clean and balanced. Lean proteins like chicken, fish, and turkey are your best friends. They help with muscle recovery, which is super important.
Don't forget about healthy fats, too—avocados, nuts, and olive oil.
Carbs are great for energy, so stick with whole grains, sweet potatoes, and veggies. Hydration is vital, so drink plenty of water.
Please keep it simple and ensure you eat enough to support your goals.
You've got a solid diet and training routine. It's great that you're keeping track of your health markers, especially while trying out Tren Ace. The balance between health and performance can be tricky. While higher cholesterol and sodium may benefit some people in terms of muscle gains, it depends on your body and goals. Consider gradually experimenting with sodium and cholesterol levels while monitoring your feelings and health markers.
why are you bumping a five year old post?
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