So this is my first post on here and I’ve been checking the forum on consistent basis and honestly it’s a great community and helpful knowledge and it’s great to read your experiences..
I’m planning on doing a cycle as effective as possible and SARMS are kinda out of reach in my place so I don’t think that I can fit them in .
I’ve had experience with test , eq and Anadrol .
So my goal is to gain the greatest muscle I can in 4 months while keeping fat at minimum
Stats :
Age:29 Height: 6.1” , Weight: 205 lb at 15% BF
Currently i’m cutting to get 7-8% BF .
And after that I’ll reverse diet and start the cycle.
Test : 200-300 mgs
Deca : 800 mgs
Dbol/Tbol ?
Arimidex , Caber , Legalon and Milk thistle on hand
As far as I know the greatest mass builders are deca, dbol, anadrol ?
Anadrol? makes me very lethargic
Eq ? I haven’t seen anything from it and I ran it at 800mg
Test at 500mg alone or with Eq haven't had any sides out of them and even though I didn't need the AIs , ( No flushing , bloating , itchy nipples nor BP issues ) .
** I was recomping on both cycles , so there weren’t huge gains except from anadrol
** please spare me the more compounds limit your potential on further cycles .
- Any modification?
- Deca dick worries !
- running orals at less of a dosage for longer is better then more for shorter ?
- Another Injectable ?
- Long-term result guys ! ( Recovery from deca etc..
I’m planning on doing a cycle as effective as possible and SARMS are kinda out of reach in my place so I don’t think that I can fit them in .
I’ve had experience with test , eq and Anadrol .
So my goal is to gain the greatest muscle I can in 4 months while keeping fat at minimum
Stats :
Age:29 Height: 6.1” , Weight: 205 lb at 15% BF
Currently i’m cutting to get 7-8% BF .
And after that I’ll reverse diet and start the cycle.
Test : 200-300 mgs
Deca : 800 mgs
Dbol/Tbol ?
Arimidex , Caber , Legalon and Milk thistle on hand
As far as I know the greatest mass builders are deca, dbol, anadrol ?
Anadrol? makes me very lethargic
Eq ? I haven’t seen anything from it and I ran it at 800mg
Test at 500mg alone or with Eq haven't had any sides out of them and even though I didn't need the AIs , ( No flushing , bloating , itchy nipples nor BP issues ) .
** I was recomping on both cycles , so there weren’t huge gains except from anadrol
** please spare me the more compounds limit your potential on further cycles .
- Any modification?
- Deca dick worries !
- running orals at less of a dosage for longer is better then more for shorter ?
- Another Injectable ?
- Long-term result guys ! ( Recovery from deca etc..
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