I'm currently a third-year college student who has been dedicated, determined, and passionate about fitness for about two years. It has only been about 7 months, however, that I began eating very clean and focusing my attention on bodybuilding. I train very hard and commit my life to building as much muscle as possible within an aesthetic physique. My body fat is between 8 and 9 percent with a weight of about 146 lbs. I would classify myself as being an ectomorph/mesomorph with the qualities of a hard-gainer. My goal is to compete in men's physique. I have been doing a lot of thinking and research on taking steroids as a way to boost my off-season training. I'm well aware of the risks/side-effects that going into taking these drugs, but I'm also very impressed with what I can achieve if I take them with caution and properly. My question to you is what would you recommend as being the best steroid to use for my situation and intended goals? Also, what about the proper, most cautious, dosage use and the type of cycle that must go with that steroid? Additionally, what other steroids should I use to alleviate the side-effects for the particular steroid I intend to use?