
Pharma Lady TD!!


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Test Suspension



Couldn't pass up on the specials and have been searching for years for legit Mibolerone

Flawless everything - from communication to T/A and packing.. very nice.

Any word on the pip from the T.Suspension?

I've felt the sting before with other labs as well as with Tren Susp.. just curious.

Thank you!
Thanks for sharing...

I've never tried Test Suspension but I would venture to say there will be some PIP but I wouldn't expect it to crippling from that brand. They've been around for a long time.
Thanks for the input!

I know my tren susp stings a bit - I usually cut it with a small bit of whatever other oil i'm running and it's been working.

as long as it isn't that primo ace pip (other lab).. good grief, I limped for like 3 days & I was a busser at the time!
You're welcome!

..not sure I'm allowed to put the exact number of days, but considering where it came from, it was fast.
I'm on my 7th wk of a 600mg test and 600mg deca cycle. Was planning on 10 -12 weeks of deca then cruise on test. Been on test for about a yr. (Trt) in between 300mg and 600mg per wk. I'm 41yrs old and 212lbs
Anyways , about 3wks into the deca, I started having shortness of breath in everything I did. Wasnt bad at first but this last week has scared the shit outta me. I cant hardly talk wo getting winded. I wake up about 2 or 3am and I'm hyperventilating and cant catch my breath. If I lay flat on my back or sides I feel like I cant breath. My anxiety and blood pressure are both way high. So anx probably has a lil to do with it. It kinda feels like my lungs are coated. I've been using PL's Test 300 and Deca 300 exclusively. Platinum brand.
Have you ever heard of anything similar? Or is my dose to high?? My last stick was mon and I cut everything in half to see if that helps. Would love and appreciate any help on this:)

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600mg is a relatively high dose of Deca and Test. What ancillaries are you running?
Tren makes me hyperventilate like this in the middle of the night but it doesn't last long. If it's a big problem lower your dosages or stop your cycle.
I've cut everything in half. Starting last mon. I'm sure itll be a week or so before much changes:/

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Right on brother [emoji106] I'll see if that helps. Also does the oil migrate to the lungs, or build up there?? If it was to high a dose , could it build up? I actually felt it there in the center of my chest after I'd pinned before.

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You would have had to hit a vein several times I would think. If you're concerned go get an x-ray. I've had Tren cough many times and never had a serious issue.
I may get one if I dont see improvement by this mon. So hitting a vein would put it un your lungs? Does the body eventually absorb it?
Theres not much info out there on this subject

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I may get one if I dont see improvement by this mon. So hitting a vein would put it un your lungs? Does the body eventually absorb it?
Theres not much info out there on this subject

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I'm really not sure. If you want to get additional help you can post your own thread in the SARMS and steroid section and Dylan and other members will help.
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