
Pharma Lady Platinum Biotech Test Cyp Bloodwork


New member
Injections split 200mg tues morning and 200mg fri night. Platinum biotech testo cyp 200. The test was taken Thursday morning of the 7th week. Total test is 2521. Was hoping it would be a little higher considering the fact that blood was drawn in between injection days, as opossed to the day of. My body does seem to clear test on the fast side. Once a week injections don't work for my trt.
I ran Platinum Biotech Test Cyp for about a year for TRT and was very happy with it. I've seen blood work from that brand with higher numbers. Everyone is different and there are many variables to account for.
I ran Platinum Biotech Test Cyp for about a year for TRT and was very happy with it. I've seen blood work from that brand with higher numbers. Everyone is different and there are many variables to account for.
Yeah it's great!
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