
Personal research question - PCT


New member
Hi Dylan, big fan of what you do. I seriously appreciate all the information that you put out. I can't think of a single video where there isn't at least one piece of information pertinent to my interest. Before I get into anything, let me apologize for the length of this email. I know you're a busy man.

First of all, how do you maintain that hair line? That shit is amazing! Hahaha
No but seriously, I'm super new at this and I only know what's on my prescriptions and definitely wanted to get more one-on-one info from you (as far as dose and schedule) if possible.

A little about me: I'm 34, 5'5" about 218lbs, maybe around 22%bf. I'm not a fatass but I'm no stallation either. I'm in pretty decent shape. A few years ago I bought what was supposed to be tribulus capsules (I wanted to stay natural). I got some pretty impressive gains from it, definitely way more than I ever had in the past. By the end of the bottle, I had things happening that I've never experienced before. Acne and pimples all over my chest, shoulders and back. It went away within a few weeks, but I noticed that I still felt like shit. I didn't even want to have sex anymore. And for somebody like me who normally does it at least once a day, that was a problem. My wife complained about it so that forced me to figure out what was wrong. When I got my results back, my testosterone levels were at 23! When I tried to check into the tribulus online again, I found that the company was shut down for using banned substances. I most definitely was not taking tribulus, they sold me methyltestosterone. They fucked me good, so I'm quite possibly looking at testosterone for the duration of my life.

My first testosterone prescription was for 1ml per week, with HCG and arimidex (I think). I was on that for about six or seven months, if I remember correctly. I stopped taking it, had blood work done again a few months later everything was perfect and back on track as normal. A few months ago however, I started feeling the same way I did after the Tribulus bullshit so I had blood work done again and my levels were low (around 200).

Currently I have a prescription for test cyp again and also HGH (holy fuuuck that's expensive!). I knew it was expensive, I just didn't understand how little I would be getting for the money lol.
I'm currently taking 3ml of test a week and running 2IU's of HGH 5 days on and 2 off until I run out in a few days and then it'll be just testosterone until I find a cheaper price somewhere.

So here's what they have me running:
HCG 25 units, two consecutive days before test.
Test 1ml on day three.
HCG 25 units and anastrozole the following two days.
They have me on 1ml again, but I have enough to do 3ml per week. Since now I really have no choice but to keep introducing synthetics into my body, I feel that I might as well see what I can achieve with my body (safely). I have the test spread out throughout the week. 1ml before and after the HCG and anastrozole just to keep the test levels as even as possible throughout the week. But please tell me if I can do this better or need to adjust my dosage of anything.

I'm doing 3ml a week now an l plan on doing 1ml of primo for my next cycle. Would it be okay or even wise to increase the dosage to 3ml per week a few weeks down the line? Or should I wait until my third cycle?

As I mentioned in the beginning, I'm super new at this and I don't know if it's proper for me to ask where I can get a good supply, but have you ever heard of or or would you know if either of these is trust worthy? I definitely want to run 6IU per day of HGH on cycle (for hyperplasia) and 2IU off cycle. The next best thing I can think of is taking a trip to Mexico to check out those dream body clinic guys and getting three month's worth. But then we're talking about going every three months. I'm just a regular guy lol
I forgot to ask. What should I run for PCT for the 1ml-3ml primo cycle?

I also forgot to add that the testosterone is 200mg and the primo would be 100mg. Bayer if I can find it. I don't know of any other trustworthy brands.
bro, you cannot use steroids at 22% body fat.. you need to drop 10% body fat man... i ant advise you to use steroids in that condition and please DO NOT ask me about steroid sources... i want NOTHING to do with that whatsoever... you need to think long and hard before you do something stupid bro... i can help you to get your body fat down but you have understand this is a marathon, not a sprint... you let me know if you want my help... im not going to contribute to you hurting yourself either bro
My bad. Definitely a speech-to-text typo. I'm between 15-20%, but definitely do need to drop body fat. Hell yes I'd like your help! I bought some cardarine from AE to help with my metabolism. I wanted to get the sarmsx one but the price was a bit steep.

I know it's a marathon and I'm in no rush brother. You're a hell of a lot more knowledgeable in this area so I'll follow whatever you would do in my circumstance. Thanks again.
My bad. Definitely a speech-to-text typo. I'm between 15-20%, but definitely do need to drop body fat. Hell yes I'd like your help! I bought some cardarine from AE to help with my metabolism. I wanted to get the sarmsx one but the price was a bit steep.

I know it's a marathon and I'm in no rush brother. You're a hell of a lot more knowledgeable in this area so I'll follow whatever you would do in my circumstance. Thanks again.

Well bro, what you have from EA is not real Cardarine at all. There's a reason it's cheaper. You should have went with legit high quality sarms. It's hard telling what you really have
Well shit.... I guess I'll have to tough that out and buy the sarmx brand if I don't feel results within a few days or crash with it. Thanks!
Absolutely! I'll get in touch in about a month and change. Let me shed some of my winter coat first.
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