
peptides or sarms


New member
hey dylan

yeah kind of thought staying away from peptides was a good idea with my diabetic condition. Are you then against igf-1 or real hgh they both effect diabetes?

As for sarms the one i have researched was ostarine sp?

i have been diabetic for 20 years i am 46 years old they started me on metaformin but it didn't do shit. for the last 10+ years on Lantus on a changeing scale based on training and non-training days 25 iu's and 33 iu's.

currently doing a moderate cycle i had major shoulder surgery Oct 25th and so its roughly been 4 months i am currently slowly strengthening the shoulder. having slow progress on external rotation i really never had the best rom and lastly scapular strengthening.. doing rows no issue much stronger but playing it safe!!

my stats last morning weight was 203.00 lbs height 5'10"
Testosterone Cypionate 300mg glute injection every wednesday & saturday
Deca 125mg glute injection same days
Mast Prop 100mg same days
just increased dbol 40mg 20mg x 2 day.

The brand i use is ******** and my Dr has me on Cypionate 100mg every 2 weeks i need to see him and get this adjusted to 100mg every week at least i now can travel with no issues with border security!!

i just started doing injections with a insulin syringe wow so much better!! only thing my bodyfat is about 15% to be kind lol so the insulin needles i have the needle is .5" i dont think glute would be deposited deep enough but quad yes. the total bolus with my injections would be 3mls might split it up to left and right quad 1.5?
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how long have you been on trt? how many previous cycles have you ran? why are you using masteron with that high of body fat? it makes no sense... all you should be doing is running a sarms healing stack along with your trt... not all this other shit? why are you doing this? it makes no sense... you need to be healing and recovering properly.. you cannot even lift nor workout properly with your injuries... so i ask again, why are you doing this to yourself? i can easily help you do this right if you actually listen but you are going about this all wrong man... you let me know what you want to do and i can help but what you are doing now is nothing i would ever recommend...
I have been on TRT for over 18 months. I have run quiet a few cycles from my mid 20's to now. Prior to being on trt i just ran low dosage myself 250mg week of cypionate or enanthate.. I was having libido issues so i just put myself on test low dosage. Only reason i am running a few other items is i have them in stock and just use them up. I have read before that masteron helps with freeing up bound test and increases libido. i have major issues with libido/erections due to diabetes i manage it pretty good and eat clean 80% off the time. i am currently on humalog for meals and lantus my basal insulin... i have learned that lantus at low dosage is not a 24 hour insulin wish my diabetic specialist would think outside the box.... i learned this through stumbling upon a colette nelson video. i am going to look into my health benefits coverage for a longer acting one like Tresiba. i take my lantus in two dosages now to get better coverage but i dont think its working well i am having highs.
you doint just use a bunch of shit because its laying around and you also dont just start using test because you have libido issues man... are you serious right now? so, you did not get diagnosed with low testosterone? you just had libido issues and figured test was the way to go? plus you have diabetes bro... im sorry but you are pretty reckless man... you have a condition that i assume you take rather serious by what you are prescribed yet on the same hand, you dont even go about this right... i dont know what to tell you but good luck man, i hope everything works out for you.. you seem intent to stay on this path so i dont know what i can do for you.
My surgery was October 25th its been 16 weeks. I am currently training legs/lower bodybuilding style. Upper body i have been training also but very light and extremely careful. I can do most movements except a shoulder pressing movement. I was diagnosed with low testosterone and went on trt however i bumped it up in dosage because i am prescribed 100mg Cypionate every two weeks i am seeing my family Dr to get it put to 200mg week i didn't feel good at 100mg because of the half life right? Deca was used for collagen i feel this will help i am dropping the mastron immediately.
My surgery was October 25th its been 16 weeks. I am currently training legs/lower bodybuilding style. Upper body i have been training also but very light and extremely careful. I can do most movements except a shoulder pressing movement. I was diagnosed with low testosterone and went on trt however i bumped it up in dosage because i am prescribed 100mg Cypionate every two weeks i am seeing my family Dr to get it put to 200mg week i didn't feel good at 100mg because of the half life right? Deca was used for collagen i feel this will help i am dropping the mastron immediately.

You don't need the Deca either man. It is not helpful for collagen. It only lubricates and doesn't help anything.

I would stick to sarms for real healing benefits. The sarms healing stack is perfect for that

1-12 MK-2866 25mg ED dosed once in the AM
1-12 LGD 10mg per day dosed once in the AM
1-12 MK-677 25mg per day dosed once in the AM
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