
Pee test


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Anyone using Sarms from Pure Essence, 8 Week Stack: 2 bottles of LGD-4033, 2 Bottles of S4 and 1 Bottle of Mk 2866, ever get a pee test while on it?

The work i do, tests us about twice a year random people, and was wondering if this was completely safe for a test... We are not allowed to do Test or any other steroids.

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Anyone using Sarms from Pure Essence, 8 Week Stack: 2 bottles of LGD-4033, 2 Bottles of S4 and 1 Bottle of Mk 2866, ever get a pee test while on it?

The work i do, tests us about twice a year random people, and was wondering if this was completely safe for a test... We are not allowed to do Test or any other steroids.

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Sarms are not illegal. Would they flag you for ephedrine?
Anyone using Sarms from Pure Essence, 8 Week Stack: 2 bottles of LGD-4033, 2 Bottles of S4 and 1 Bottle of Mk 2866, ever get a pee test while on it?

The work i do, tests us about twice a year random people, and was wondering if this was completely safe for a test... We are not allowed to do Test or any other steroids.

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What is your job? Are you tested for PEDs or just recreational drugs? Employment drug screens rarely ever test for AAS unless it's related to a sport or athletic organization

Even those that Test for AAS do not test for sarms most of the time.
If they test for PED's and illicit street drugs or non prescribed drugs then they are spending a fortune, because it is totally different instrumentaion to do both.
Anyone using Sarms from Pure Essence, 8 Week Stack: 2 bottles of LGD-4033, 2 Bottles of S4 and 1 Bottle of Mk 2866, ever get a pee test while on it?

The work i do, tests us about twice a year random people, and was wondering if this was completely safe for a test... We are not allowed to do Test or any other steroids.

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Theres always synthetic urine you can purchase for your piss test if your concerned
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