


Ok Mr. Gemelli, I have a 2 part question for you......

Been taking TRT for several years now so I wanna confirm that I would still need to do a PCT after the recommended period of my sarms cycle........

And 2nd......If you do recommend PCT, Im at the end of my 12 weeks with MK-2866 and RAD-140, and know that I'm going do the 140 for 4 more weeks, so if and when would I incorporate the PCT? Now or after the last 4 weeks of taking the RAD-140?

Thank you
Ok Mr. Gemelli, I have a 2 part question for you......

Been taking TRT for several years now so I wanna confirm that I would still need to do a PCT after the recommended period of my sarms cycle........

And 2nd......If you do recommend PCT, Im at the end of my 12 weeks with MK-2866 and RAD-140, and know that I'm going do the 140 for 4 more weeks, so if and when would I incorporate the PCT? Now or after the last 4 weeks of taking the RAD-140?

Thank you
if you are on trt, no pct of any kind is every required... after your sarms cycle, you simply continue trt as usual.. you can start another sarms cycle 2-3 weeks after completion
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