
PCT Suggestions


New member
Okay, so I had already made a post about the SARMs I'd be using in my second cycle (LGD-4033 and S4) for 8 weeks. Now for the PCT I was thinking of running Cardarine (GW-501516) and Clomiphene. Will I need to use anything else like exemestane for more of an AI, just in case if Estrogen problems occur?

I know that I'm not doing a full on steroid cycle with sarms added in the mix, or even as a bridge.. But I saw that Clomid and Nolva have different effects, will I need both with the Cardarine? Or will the Clomiphene (and possible exemestane) be enough?

Thank you for your response,
Also, another question arose while just sitting here, watching youtube lol. I know that there are longer esters and half-lives, so should I just start the PCT the Monday after taking my last dose on that Sunday, or wait a little while longer?

Again thank you for your reply,
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