Hi guys, so Im having some problems now during pct and I need some real advice... a little background info...
185lbs aprox 14% bf
squat 315
bench 225
deadlift 405
I made several mistakes on my first cycle, first off im 2 young to be doing this (20) and I was on for too long..
I ran Test-e for 16 weeks, added some ostarine at the start aswell.
My biggest mistake was not running an AI at the start, so my estrogen got SUPER high, it was up at 87.... I Ran adex 2mgED for 2 weeks but switched to aromasin about 3 weeks ago as dylan adviced.
I´ve been running Aromasin 15mg ED for 3 weeks, have I crushed my estrogen? its so hard to know w/o bloodwork and im doing at the end of the pct. I feel lethargic, sleepy all the time, moodswings, and my main issue is libido... Im not even horny at all and I cant get it up.. is this becouse I might be running the aromasin too high? or is it becouse my test is still surpressed? Im not sure if its the test becouse my balls are starting to grow back
Im 8 days into nolva/clomid/aromasin/GW pct ( at the dose Dylan recommended) And I honestly need advice now... what should I do? what should I change? do I just need to wait it out?
I appriciate any help at this point! and to you young guys that are thinking of starting a cycle, DO NOT do it! It´s not worth it NOT nice to 0 sexdrive at this age!
I know I made a mistake and now I have to pay for it....
185lbs aprox 14% bf
squat 315
bench 225
deadlift 405
I made several mistakes on my first cycle, first off im 2 young to be doing this (20) and I was on for too long..
I ran Test-e for 16 weeks, added some ostarine at the start aswell.
My biggest mistake was not running an AI at the start, so my estrogen got SUPER high, it was up at 87.... I Ran adex 2mgED for 2 weeks but switched to aromasin about 3 weeks ago as dylan adviced.
I´ve been running Aromasin 15mg ED for 3 weeks, have I crushed my estrogen? its so hard to know w/o bloodwork and im doing at the end of the pct. I feel lethargic, sleepy all the time, moodswings, and my main issue is libido... Im not even horny at all and I cant get it up.. is this becouse I might be running the aromasin too high? or is it becouse my test is still surpressed? Im not sure if its the test becouse my balls are starting to grow back
Im 8 days into nolva/clomid/aromasin/GW pct ( at the dose Dylan recommended) And I honestly need advice now... what should I do? what should I change? do I just need to wait it out?
I appriciate any help at this point! and to you young guys that are thinking of starting a cycle, DO NOT do it! It´s not worth it NOT nice to 0 sexdrive at this age!
I know I made a mistake and now I have to pay for it....