
PCT after SARM


New member
Going to start my first SARM cycle and looking for some advice on a PCT after. I'm going to run lgd-4033 for 8 weeks. I know this SARM is known for suppression so what would be an ideal pct.

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CB100 said:
Going to start my first SARM cycle and looking for some advice on a PCT after. I'm going to run lgd-4033 for 8 weeks. I know this SARM is known for suppression so what would be an ideal pct.

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4 weeks of clomid is more than sufficient at 25/25/25/25

i always like to incorporate gw-501516 into any pct i run as well at 20 mg day

that's all you need my friend...
As these guys said, dosing clomid should be sufficient following LGD. I would also agree with Dylan that adding in GW is a very good idea as well
StrongerFaster said:
DylanGemelli said:
i always like to incorporate gw-501516 into any pct i run as well at 20 mg day

What is the basis for running a PPAR-D receptor agonist as a part of PCT?

GW–50156 regulates fat burning through a number of widespread mechanisms; it increases glucose uptake in skeletal muscle tissue and increases muscle gene expression, especially genes involved in preferential lipid utilization This shift changes the body’s metabolism to favor burning fat for energy instead of carbohydrates or muscle protein, potentially allowing clinical application for obese patients to lose fat effectively without experiencing muscle catabolism or the effects and satiety issues associated with low blood sugar. GW–501516 also increases muscle mass, which improved glucose tolerance and reduced fat mass accumulation even in mice fed a very high fat diet, suggesting that GW–501516 may have a protective effect against obesity.

In other (very simplistic) words, GW 501516 causes the body to burn fat more, rather than burning carbohydrates or proteins. This keeps blood sugar more regular and prevents the body from breaking down muscle for energy. This makes exercise more effective, increasing the ability of athletes to cut body fat, build muscle mass, and increase endurance.
RickRock said:
GW–50156 regulates fat burning through a number of widespread mechanisms; it increases glucose uptake in skeletal muscle tissue and increases muscle gene expression, especially genes involved in preferential lipid utilization This shift changes the body’s metabolism to favor burning fat for energy instead of carbohydrates or muscle protein, potentially allowing clinical application for obese patients to lose fat effectively without experiencing muscle catabolism or the effects and satiety issues associated with low blood sugar. GW–501516 also increases muscle mass, which improved glucose tolerance and reduced fat mass accumulation even in mice fed a very high fat diet, suggesting that GW–501516 may have a protective effect against obesity.

In other (very simplistic) words, GW 501516 causes the body to burn fat more, rather than burning carbohydrates or proteins. This keeps blood sugar more regular and prevents the body from breaking down muscle for energy. This makes exercise more effective, increasing the ability of athletes to cut body fat, build muscle mass, and increase endurance.

Yes, that is what GW does, and I have run it before---but what you pasted doesn't explain the rational specifically for PCT. It has no effect on HPTA or steroid hormone secretion.

Don't get me wrong, not trying to be antagonistic, just trying to learn. IMO I have an excellent grasp on nutrition, supplements, and peptides, intermediate on SARMS, and very novice on AAS. Always willing to learn more, hence the reason I'm here.
StrongerFaster said:
RickRock said:
GW–50156 regulates fat burning through a number of widespread mechanisms; it increases glucose uptake in skeletal muscle tissue and increases muscle gene expression, especially genes involved in preferential lipid utilization This shift changes the body’s metabolism to favor burning fat for energy instead of carbohydrates or muscle protein, potentially allowing clinical application for obese patients to lose fat effectively without experiencing muscle catabolism or the effects and satiety issues associated with low blood sugar. GW–501516 also increases muscle mass, which improved glucose tolerance and reduced fat mass accumulation even in mice fed a very high fat diet, suggesting that GW–501516 may have a protective effect against obesity.

In other (very simplistic) words, GW 501516 causes the body to burn fat more, rather than burning carbohydrates or proteins. This keeps blood sugar more regular and prevents the body from breaking down muscle for energy. This makes exercise more effective, increasing the ability of athletes to cut body fat, build muscle mass, and increase endurance.

Yes, that is what GW does, and I have run it before---but what you pasted doesn't explain the rational specifically for PCT. It has no effect on HPTA or steroid hormone secretion.

Don't get me wrong, not trying to be antagonistic, just trying to learn. IMO I have an excellent grasp on nutrition, supplements, and peptides, intermediate on SARMS, and very novice on AAS. Always willing to learn more, hence the reason I'm here.
From what I have read, during PCT the body goes into a very catabolic state. GW helps prevent the loss of muscle by promoting fat oxidization over catabolism.

Vets can correct me if I'm wrong.
StrongerFaster said:
RickRock said:
GW–50156 regulates fat burning through a number of widespread mechanisms; it increases glucose uptake in skeletal muscle tissue and increases muscle gene expression, especially genes involved in preferential lipid utilization This shift changes the body’s metabolism to favor burning fat for energy instead of carbohydrates or muscle protein, potentially allowing clinical application for obese patients to lose fat effectively without experiencing muscle catabolism or the effects and satiety issues associated with low blood sugar. GW–501516 also increases muscle mass, which improved glucose tolerance and reduced fat mass accumulation even in mice fed a very high fat diet, suggesting that GW–501516 may have a protective effect against obesity.

In other (very simplistic) words, GW 501516 causes the body to burn fat more, rather than burning carbohydrates or proteins. This keeps blood sugar more regular and prevents the body from breaking down muscle for energy. This makes exercise more effective, increasing the ability of athletes to cut body fat, build muscle mass, and increase endurance.

Yes, that is what GW does, and I have run it before---but what you pasted doesn't explain the rational specifically for PCT. It has no effect on HPTA or steroid hormone secretion.

Don't get me wrong, not trying to be antagonistic, just trying to learn. IMO I have an excellent grasp on nutrition, supplements, and peptides, intermediate on SARMS, and very novice on AAS. Always willing to learn more, hence the reason I'm here.

I think you are mistaking what it's purpose is for in post cycle therapy. It is not put in PCT for HPTA purposes in any way, shape, or form.GW is not a hormonal product. It is used specifically for its nutrient partitioning abilities, and anticatabolic effects (muscle sparing) while in a very catabolic state of low hormone levels. This is basically what it is saying in what I posted above. It allows you to burn fat for energy instead breaking down muscle or protein and carbs which your body will need post cycle more than any time to preserve the muscle mass accumulated on cycle.
RickRock said:
I think you are mistaking what it's purpose is for in post cycle therapy. It is not put in PCT for HPTA purposes in any way, shape, or form.GW is not a hormonal product. It is used specifically for its nutrient partitioning abilities, and anticatabolic effects (muscle sparing) while in a very catabolic state of low hormone levels. This is basically what it is saying in what I posted above. It allows you to burn fat for energy instead breaking down muscle or protein and carbs which your body will need post cycle more than any time to preserve the muscle mass accumulated on cycle.

Appreciate the clarification Rick, thank you.
StrongerFaster said:
RickRock said:
I think you are mistaking what it's purpose is for in post cycle therapy. It is not put in PCT for HPTA purposes in any way, shape, or form.GW is not a hormonal product. It is used specifically for its nutrient partitioning abilities, and anticatabolic effects (muscle sparing) while in a very catabolic state of low hormone levels. This is basically what it is saying in what I posted above. It allows you to burn fat for energy instead breaking down muscle or protein and carbs which your body will need post cycle more than any time to preserve the muscle mass accumulated on cycle.

Appreciate the clarification Rick, thank you.

Not a problem at all brother. Anytime!
Thanks Rick as you covered it perfectly...

I wrote an article on the forum as well as did a video on the process of PCT in its entirety... Here's a brief excerpt

What is the purpose of Post Cycle Therapy?
1) Kickstart your HPTA production
2) Prevent Catabolism
3) Prevent Fat-Gains
4) Prevent Strength loss
5) Balance Hormone levels
6) Reduce Side-effects

So when you see this, it explains ALL THINGS that need addressed in pct.. This is prevalently overlooked and is a very large mistake...

1) Starting-up your HPTA: Use of a SERM (preferably both) Clomid and Nolvadex. This will help kickstart your HPTA production and lead you to the road of recovery.
2) Prevent Catabolism + 4) Prevent Strength loss: The use of a powerful SARM Ostarine (MK-2866) to lower cortisol levels and increase your IGF-1 levels.
3) Prevent Fat-Gains: The use of an aromatase inhibitor will prevent unwanted water retention from increased estrogen. Implementing GW-501516 will help to melt fat as well as drastically increasing endurance. Your performance enhancement will reach all time high levels, thus allowing for maximum output resulting in maximum gains.
5) Balancing Hormone levels: To prevent estrogen levels from increasing and IGF from decreasing, add Aromasin. Natural Herbs such as tribulus terrestris and fadogia agrestis can help to increase tesiticular size naturally from shrinkage that may have been encountered on cycle. They both carry natural testosterone boosting characteristics as well.
6) Decrease Side-Effects: To make sure your kidneys, organs and liver are not damaged during your PCT, continue using on cycle supports through pct. Examples would be: Hawthorne Berry and COQ10 for blood pressure protection, milk thistle and TUDCA for liver support etc. Eliminating toxicity during PCT is integral for a strong recovery.

Here is a link to the full article and video...

What about using Nolva or Torem instead? The only reason I ask is because I have a whole ton of 10mg tabs at home already. I'm going to post the PCT I have laid out in another post so as not to hijack this one.


HHHTheGame said:
What about using Nolva or Torem instead? The only reason I ask is because I have a whole ton of 10mg tabs at home already. I'm going to post the PCT I have laid out in another post so as not to hijack this one.



Yes, brother Nolva is perfectly fine to use as well as Torem. Both will do the trick, so if that's what you have I see no problem with you using that.

BTW, welcome to adrenaline rush! I'm glad to see you made it over here after the message I sent you. You will absolutely love this place man. It's the real deal with a great family and the best truthful and informative advice you'll find out there.
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