
PCT after Anavar Cycle


New member
Hey Dylan,

First things first, i really love your Channel!!!

I have a big Question ask. I am planning to run a anavar cycle.

40mg a day for about 7 weeks. I know that i have to run a proper PCT after.

My 2 Questions are:

1. Is a PCT of 3 weeks enough??

2. Do i have to run Aromasin as well??

I am just asking because Anavar does not convert to estrogen. Thats why i thought that i do not have to take Aromasin.

Regarding my first question, i was reading in other magazines that a 3 week PCT after a anavar cycle is enough. But as i said, i love your channel and i def. will take your advice.

Thank you so much!!
Re-watch his videos. Test is the base of any cycle. How about you give us your stats so we can help you out
you need to do more research. all of your questions are easily answered if you watched dylans videos. don't run oral only cycles. don't run orals 7 weeks long. pct 3 weeks is not enough after a cycle. and do you need aromasin with anavar? well does anavar aromatise?? do your research bro....

what are your stats??
What made you decide to go with Anavar OP?

What are you looking to accomplish running this cycle?

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An ostarine + s4 cycle would blow anavar out of the water just saiyan.

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An ostarine + s4 cycle would blow anavar out of the water just saiyan.

Sent from my SM-N900W8 using Tapatalk

thats absolutely right, a million percent... i NEVER want to hear anyone talk about running WEAK ASS anavar by itself AGAIN unless its a female... PERIOD
Hey Dylan,

First things first, i really love your Channel!!!

I have a big Question ask. I am planning to run a anavar cycle.

40mg a day for about 7 weeks. I know that i have to run a proper PCT after.

My 2 Questions are:

1. Is a PCT of 3 weeks enough??

2. Do i have to run Aromasin as well??

I am just asking because Anavar does not convert to estrogen. Thats why i thought that i do not have to take Aromasin.

Regarding my first question, i was reading in other magazines that a 3 week PCT after a anavar cycle is enough. But as i said, i love your channel and i def. will take your advice.

Thank you so much!!

thank you for the support for the channel, i really appreciate it but im still going to have to give you tough love here... this is HORRIBLE... first of all, NO a 3 week pct is never enough, not even a mini pct on sarms should be ran only 3 weeks... where on earth are you getting such horrible info? DO NOT run an oral only cycle period... ESPECIALLY WEAK ASS ANAVAR of all things!! bro, you have a lot of learning to do...

im not sure what "magazine" you could have possibly read about pct but wherever you read it, don't read anything there again...

what are your stats? age/height/weight/body fat? goals? workout history???
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