
PCT Advice


New member
I came over from EVO recently. This is my first post here. I did a triple stack 8wk cycle. All went well. Followed it up with a 4wk PCT of clomid 50/50/25/25 and N2BM HCGenerate. I actually had a libido at the end of the cycle but it has slowly gone to ZERO and i can't get it up. My PCT was hell as I am that 1% that got all the sides from clomid. I am so glad its over!! I did a ton of research online and it seems that clomid for some is a libido killer. At what point or how long should i wait for my libido to come back? I will continue with a test booster, but should i add in a small dose of ostarine or just wait it out for the clomid to clear my system, etc? Thanks!
Dont assume anything shutdown like that from 8 weeks off sarms seems strange get bloodwork check total test and estradiol before making a decision . where did you get the sarms cause that doesnt seem right
They were from PE and clomid from AG guys. I have read a ton online for wks about many people staring that clomid killed there libido. I have only been off sarms 4wks.
You're estrogen could too high.. AG Guys ancillaries are no good, so I would go get some blood work done to be sure.

Did you run a AI in your PCT?
No AI. Told it wasn't needed as those sarms don't aromatize. Should I run aromasin? For how long and how much?
I came over from EVO recently. This is my first post here. I did a triple stack 8wk cycle. All went well. Followed it up with a 4wk PCT of clomid 50/50/25/25 and N2BM HCGenerate. I actually had a libido at the end of the cycle but it has slowly gone to ZERO and i can't get it up. My PCT was hell as I am that 1% that got all the sides from clomid. I am so glad its over!! I did a ton of research online and it seems that clomid for some is a libido killer. At what point or how long should i wait for my libido to come back? I will continue with a test booster, but should i add in a small dose of ostarine or just wait it out for the clomid to clear my system, etc? Thanks!

Maybe your body doesnt agree with the clomid, stop taking it and give it a few days see how you start to feel. If your highly concerned run blood work, but i would just wait it out and save the clomid for another time
^^^Ya, I think that is what it is. On clomid i got SUPER emotional, depressed, unmotivated, swollen, joint pain and blury vision. It was hell. i got all the symptoms females get! But its been 3 days off and today i woke up and nailed. my wife! So i think its more the clomid being the issue than low test or high estrogen. I am gonna give it time and keep taking my test boosters. thanks again guys. keep you posted.
you can try to run nolvadex or raloxifene as opposed to clomid... not everyone responds well to clomid but you also had a shitty product so who knows what you actually had...
^^^Ya, I think that is what it is. On clomid i got SUPER emotional, depressed, unmotivated, swollen, joint pain and blury vision. It was hell. i got all the symptoms females get! But its been 3 days off and today i woke up and nailed. my wife! So i think its more the clomid being the issue than low test or high estrogen. I am gonna give it time and keep taking my test boosters. thanks again guys. keep you posted.

U could also try a lower dosage of the clomid or as Dylan stated some tamoxifene. U got a few options bro
I am done with my PCT so i am not taking clomid anymore. So next time I might try nolva vs the clomid.
I am done with my PCT so i am not taking clomid anymore. So next time I might try nolva vs the clomid.

that would be the best route to go with... raloxifene is also another good option for you... i would try nolva first and see how that works... you really only need minimal doses of it with sarms as well...
pure essence has the real deal liquid pct products pick them up for your next run, and the shipping is super fast like greased lightning
Thanks guys! Will run nolva next time as I will never touch clomid again. What would be the pct dose for nolva after sarms cycle?
Thanks guys! Will run nolva next time as I will never touch clomid again. What would be the pct dose for nolva after sarms cycle?

I would run it at 20mg per day bro. Pure essence has quality Nolva (Tamoxifen) as well
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