
Pct advice


I'm looking at doing a 6 week cycle on anavar and GW501506.

For the first 6 weeks:
Monday- Sunday:
7AM: 5mg of anavar
11AM: 4 tablets of N2 Guard
3PM: 5mg Anavar
7PM: 3 tablets of N2 Guard
7:30PM: GW501506 (as i read you take it half hour before exercise and on rest days first thing on a morning?)

I am doing this for 6 weeks and I will continue to take my N2Guard and GW for a further 6-8 weeks after.

I'm just wanting to know if this sounds ok (I'm planning to do) and also what I really would like to know is 'if I should be taking a PCT (what if so)?
Here's your complete PCT lined up:

Don't do this dumb ass cycle. How old are you? What's your experience level with AAS (seems like zero), training and diet? What are your goals? Lastly, did you even bother to watch any of Dylan's videos, or read any posts about cycles, or any of the sticky's? PCT stands for POST CYCLE THERAPY, therefore it would be run AFTER a cycle, two weeks usually after your LAST PIN. Can you pin 5mg of Anavar???? Nope. There's a clue for you. Bro, whatever you do, don't start shit until you know some facts first. Consider this your life vest, cuz you're about to dive into a tsunami of shit with your cycle set up... who suggested this crap-fest of a cycle to you, or was it all on you??? Male, or female? If you've got a va-jay-jay you're okay, if not.... slapeth thine self.
Excuse me 44YOGearHead?
Yes I am a female and yes i have spoke to Dyaln personally so before you start making accusations and throwing them around forget it and take your nasty comments some place else BRO.

I know what I'm talking about I just wanted help on the PCT which again yes I do know you take it two weeks after my cycle and that is what I sad if you read it properly BRO. Also I just wanted to know which PCT I should be taking but seems like I'm not getting any help from you so leave my forum and take your negative comments with you BRO.
Yes I'm a female and I have proper Anavar in 10mg tablets, I've bought a pill cutter so I can cut them into half so I'm not taking the full 10mg in one go.

I've got everything planned and I've spoke to Dylan, I've asked him about the PCT but had no response as of yet, so I wrote this forum for 'help'. :)
Bear with us, this board is like prison...none of us have seen a woman in a long time.

However we didn't know all of your info and that you've spoken to Dylan.

Let's all play nice now.....
Being female you don't need a pct whatsoever, so no concern with that. I would recommend getting some CEL cycle assist instead of n2guard. It's about a third of the price and will cover you well

Where did you get your GW? I hope you dud not get it from sarms1, which is not a good source at all. You need a good trustworthy and legit product from

You also want to run GW longer than 6 weeks. That is not near long enough. 12 weeks would be ideal. My best recommendation for you would be to run this stack from along with your anavar

1-12 GW 20mg per day dosed 30 minutes preworkout
1-12 S4 50mg per day split 25mg am and 25mg 4-6 hours later
1-12 SR9009 30mg per day split 5mg 6 times per day
1-6 anavar 10mg per day

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
No bother, just don't like being spoken to in that manner when all I'm asking for is help!
So has anyone got any positive advice that can help me about a PCT?
Yes I got it from as Dylan suggested and I am taking N2 nd GW for a further 6-8 weeks after my cycle which is in total 12-16 weeks on GW and N2 guard which again Dylan suggested.

I already have my N2guard so for this cycle I will take that and for my next I will look into the CEL cylce.
No bother, just don't like being spoken to in that manner when all I'm asking for is help!
So has anyone got any positive advice that can help me about a PCT?

i never suggested you use n2guard once unless you spoke with me several years ago... so that is fiction...

as a female, you dont need a pct whatsoever... so that is not of concern for you... what are your full stats and goals?
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