
Parabolan (Tren Hex) Explained: A new video by Dylan Gemelli

Awesome info bro. It's hard to find a good resource on parabolan. It's obviously not near as prevalent today as it once was

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
That was the only AAS I ran for years and I loved it ,,,,,until I tried NPP and shorten my cycle to 6 weeks I can say for me the gains are cleaner with NPP

And you're so right Rick find a good source I have had some not so good Tren H
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it is not the easiest to find but if you have good quality then it is damn good! it is a favorite amongst many
Great vid bro. Never tried hex but I know it's a favorite for allot of bros out there. I've heard it time and time again.

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Dayuuum... Parabolan sounds so good. Gotta find some of this for next tren run. 250mg max recommendation? Cyp, Prop and Tren hex... hmmmmm....
Eh... I've never had the desire to get parabolin. As you stated its just a different ester of tren. Good if you want a longer ester though. Good vid

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Eh... I've never had the desire to get parabolin. As you stated its just a different ester of tren. Good if you want a longer ester though. Good vid

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I've never really had a desire for it either myself, especially now that I've pretty much wrote off using Tren again....but it is an intriguing Ester that I would have been excited to try out when I was on the Tren train

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Dayuuum... Parabolan sounds so good. Gotta find some of this for next tren run. 250mg max recommendation? Cyp, Prop and Tren hex... hmmmmm....

im always comfortable with 400 on it brother but i dont like to take it any higher than that... you would be just fine at that number and you would eat it up!
How often should one take the parabolan injections? 150 mg e5d with testo e/cyp?

I was running it 100 mg ever 3 days Sun Tu Th Sat Mon We Fr then Sun and so on with Sust 250

I have tried NPP ,,,,,,F@#K Tren Cleaner gains and shorter cycls with NPP ,,,,,,IMO,,,,,, only one side with NPP
just making sure everyone gets a chance to see this one... i know there are a lot of questions out there about tren hex and this video answers many of the commonly asked questions...
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