
Panic attacks on trt?

Should I go .25mg adex e3d?? Or go off it? My bf is 16% so I thought maybe that’s why he put me on it since I know higher bf can make estrogen sides come out more.
If you have blood work in ..or are planning to do asap...see what that says...and what doc says.....only way to know for sure....

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If you have blood work in ..or are planning to do asap...see what that says...and what doc says.....only way to know for sure....

Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk

Good answer. I used to go by feel but once I came here and started getting blood work done it makes a world of difference. Privatemdlabs is cheap and easy if your doc won't run it. But I'm sure he will since he knows your scenario and its trt.
we just need to see where your estrogen is at... THE WORST thing you can do is just start guessing at things and misdosing your ai... it can really do a number on you if you use it wrong
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