
P.O. Box Goodies????

Of course not ....but guys the truth of the matter is, my wife will not be ok with me on the gear. She just won't. I never lie to her but this particular issue I know she won't be ok with. Its cool that you guys have wife's that are good with it but every wife isn't. One reason obviously is she would know that it may not be legal and she isn't gonna go for that. I just figure no since making the water muddy if I don't have to. My wife knows that when it comes down to it I do what I want but I just know leaving her out of this decision she would actually rather because if I told her and she disagreed which I know she would then we would have a dispute and I would do it anyway.

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What is she gonna say when u get ripped and shredded? Lol "oh honey wow you really worked hard. Good job". Idk what u need i guess. The truth comes out eventually

I was completely against BigBusiness getting into this....very against it. He actually came home with gear hidden in an m&m container sticking out of hisvworkout bag. Like really wtf you dont eat that shit.... being suspiciouS is the worst thing... he proved me to be wrong in not supporting him.... he showed me all the research he did..the time invested in learning everything he needed to..and yada..yada..yada.. I was more pissed that he tried hiding it and lying about it.

I was very against it this lifestyle as I was uneducated....Until he educated me which...I was very impressed by how much knowledge and how much time and effort he put into it.

I am now a member on here and running a 12 week sarms stack!!!

Just figured this may help you with your dilemma!

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I guess i got lucky. I got a vial of watson cyp once way back when i was gonna do it. And i asked her. And she was all ya try it but if u get all psycho on me ur gonna stop. Now 4 yrs later guess who is also on the sauce. Lol!

Phurious really busting my balls. Lol

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No im just saying. If she is agaisnt it now. What happens when she does find out u know? Just making u think before u sneak and yes u can have a po box for that stuff to answer ur question

Cut me some slack bro I'm no veteran. I'm new at It's all good though.

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Phurious is not picking on you he is being honest with you. It is always better for ur better half to know what you are doing especially with gear. It is better to come straight out and tell her then her finding out in which we all know women will eventually find out women have the FBI instinct in them. Sit her down and talk to her and let her know what your plan is.
I get what ur saying tho. Im just saying roght now she doesnt want u doing them. Later she catches somehow now she doesnt want u doing them and u been lying and hiding seems like a recipe for disaster. If u absolutly have to do it that way then i guess go for it.

I'm just trying to add to these natural gains bro! She won't suspect a thing. I will tell her it's a new creatine. 😁uploadfromtaptalk1448768337373.jpg

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Sup guys.....was wondering if anyone had used a post office box for delivery of any of their gear? Trying to figure out how to do my first cycle VERY discreetly as in keeping the wifey in the dark. Is a p.o. box an option or do you guys have any tips thanks!!! Somebody is gonna give me crap bout the wife but the less she knows the better. 😁

po box you have to use id and sign for it . its no different then getting it delievered at home except the source will not have your real address on file
po box you have to use id and sign for it . its no different then getting it delievered at home except the source will not have your real address on file

He is only hiding it from the wife. Not law enforcement lol

I was completely against BigBusiness getting into this....very against it. He actually came home with gear hidden in an m&m container sticking out of hisvworkout bag. Like really wtf you dont eat that shit.... being suspiciouS is the worst thing... he proved me to be wrong in not supporting him.... he showed me all the research he did..the time invested in learning everything he needed to..and yada..yada..yada.. I was more pissed that he tried hiding it and lying about it.

I was very against it this lifestyle as I was uneducated....Until he educated me which...I was very impressed by how much knowledge and how much time and effort he put into it.

I am now a member on here and running a 12 week sarms stack!!!

Just figured this may help you with your dilemma!

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk

welcome to the dark side mwahahah. just jk
Yeah bro to be honest its ten times easier to come clean and be honest. What are you going to do when you do your first pin? Virgin muscles, poor technique is going to leave you hobbling around. Plus its alot to hide from a person your very close and personal with. Needles, alcohol pads, gear, AI, SERMS = alot to hide. Sit her down talk to her. Show her the research you've done, show her the myths and the facts. Print stuff out and show her the info and make your self as educated as possible. Not saying it will be easy but it will be better than your home being blown down by the big bad wolf

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I'm just trying to add to these natural gains bro! She won't suspect a thing. I will tell her it's a new creatine. ��View attachment 2070

Sent from my HTC Desire Eye using Tapatalk

Bro I did that for awhile, but its hard when every week you look bigger and denser than before.. eventually my girl was like.. straight up, wtf are you on? And dont tell me its aminos
My wife has known from the get go. She even does my injections for me! She was skeptical at first, and slightly against it, but also knows I'm not an idiot and did the proper research.
All it took was a few weeks and she was all about it! Once the sex, mood and your aesthetics start to improve, they're hooked man!
Really think you should tell her and make sure to point out how it'll benefit her too.

Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
I was completely against BigBusiness getting into this....very against it. He actually came home with gear hidden in an m&m container sticking out of hisvworkout bag. Like really wtf you dont eat that shit.... being suspiciouS is the worst thing... he proved me to be wrong in not supporting him.... he showed me all the research he did..the time invested in learning everything he needed to..and yada..yada..yada.. I was more pissed that he tried hiding it and lying about it.

I was very against it this lifestyle as I was uneducated....Until he educated me which...I was very impressed by how much knowledge and how much time and effort he put into it.

I am now a member on here and running a 12 week sarms stack!!!

Just figured this may help you with your dilemma!

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk

This is the best post I have heard here so far. Trust me buddy, it will pay off to let her know. What you need to do is educate her. Of course she is going to be against it, just like the rest of society until she understands that steroids are not the evil entity that the media makes them out to be. They can be extremely safe when used correctly.

I know what it's like to have women on the opposite side against you on the issue. If you have a good woman that will listen to you, then she will understand when you educate her.

If this is a lifestyle you intend to continue then you will have to tell her eventually....and the sooner the better. This is NOT something you want blowing up in your face later.
This is the best post I have heard here so far. Trust me buddy, it will pay off to let her know. What you need to do is educate her. Of course she is going to be against it, just like the rest of society until she understands that steroids are not the evil entity that the media makes them out to be. They can be extremely safe when used correctly.

I know what it's like to have women on the opposite side against you on the issue. If you have a good woman that will listen to you, then she will understand when you educate her.

If this is a lifestyle you intend to continue then you will have to tell her eventually....and the sooner the better. This is NOT something you want blowing up in your face later.

yeah thats true. you need your wife/girlfriend to support you. and most of the time they are against it because they are ignorant on the subject and just know what the Media has shown them about roids and roid rage, etc etc
Why dont tou explain to her what u want to do. And educate her.

Why dont tou explain to her what u want to do. And educate her.

Chances are she pretty smart most of us females are. If he doesn't tell her...he's already brought it up to her so she's gonna know then she's either gonna snoop on him or wait yo see how long it takes to tell her while he tells her a bunch of lies.... its better for her to know and be pissed for a little. Then for her to not lie..and lie and lie then it will be more than her being pissed. .. good luck just be honest women hold the honesty higher than being mad....
And i hope you got your answer on the po box lol...

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