
oxandrolone cycle


New member
Hi Dylan,

I have been watching your videos for over a year now and need to express my gratitude for all the information you put out there. Your approach and constant remainder of people not needing them and really looking out for the likes of me. I had the chance and will to do a cycle in the past but after watching your videos I simply dropped it and kept going to the gym as usual and still do enjoy the natural benefits that come with it.

I have a mate who is going to supply me with oxandrolone and I have decided to take it for approx 4 to 6 weeks. This is my first time ever taking any kind of steroid. I am thinking of taking 40mg a day. 20mg in the morning and 20mg in the evening. Would you recommend a PCT after the 4/6 weeks? Based on your videos you suggest a full PCT treatment at all times but being this mild oxandrolone and the mg's i intend on dosing what would be a recommended PCT?

Thank you for reading and appreciate any kind of response.

Best regards

You have given no stats, age, sex or goals. Anavar on its own is a very weak compound and for men at least requires high dosages - it would be better if you supplied your stats so that you can receive a better answer.
there's no way im advising you to run an oral only cycle brother.. that would be an extremely ignorant thing to do... the only recommendation i have is to not do it... if you paid me to advise you on it, i would decline your offer
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