so ive touched on this several times but it never hurts to bring it up again because this is a very tricky subject and its so often misused or misunderstood... FIRST, HCG DOES have a place for sure... anyone that says different lives in fantasy land HOWEVER, the place that is has is nowhere near as large as some present it to be.. i cannot tell you how many personal clients ive obtained ONLY from misuse of hcg and it has ruined them... i have one client who was prescribed hcg for over a year straight and ever since then, he has been nothing but an impossible mess to correct and it has ruined him on so many levels... he now has strange estrogen spikes out of nowhere, bottomed out lh and fsh regardless of every kind of therapy known to man, libido issues, continuous lethargy battles, desensitized to it completely, etc... the list goes on and on... this is a guy who had only run 1-2 cycles in his past but had low T and this was what was prescribed to him... here's the deal with hcg.. HCG mimicks LH and FSH... When you run a cycle, test also does this by mimicking amounts of test provided and because it goes at such a high level, your body forgets how to produce on its own, so when you stop taking it, you stop producing test which is the point of pct and things like clomid and nolva to jumpstart your production... so WHY ON EARTH would you run hcg in pct to only continue to mimick lh and fsh when your supposed to be jumpstarting it? does that not defeat the purpose? not to mention that it can increase estrogen, which is HORRIBLE during pct, it can be suppressive, OBVIOUSLY amongst several other issues... when you run it too long you can definitely desensitize, obviously the higher the dose, the more probable of this but ultimately, it will occur regardless... the best method of use is in 4 weeks increments, leading right up to pct as it prepares you for a smoother recovery as its raised lh and fsh which has bottomed out while dosing test but you clearly inhibit that recovery the longer you mimick... that's why its imperative to time this all properly to get all the positives and none of the negatives! a protocol of 1000 ius per week is perfect when using