brand new louis scarf brother, i thought you might like that after you saw the bracelet... =) you are on my level of fashion , i can see that and i love it... WELL SAID brother and i completely agree... the issue is that when you do well, then everyone does a few things... 1. they think for some reason you owe them something 2. they resent you 3. they get jealous etc... its fucking insane... EVERY TIME i see someone do well or accomplish something, IM THE FIRST ONE to be so happy for them and GENUINELY.. i hate to use the word "hate" towards people but i can't help it... i HATE jealous and resentful people... truly hate them and deservedly so... if you called me tomorrow, told me you won the lotto, i would be fucking overjoyed for you.. i wouldnt sit here and expect you to give me something etc... i would just love to hear the joy and happiness in your voice... thats what makes a winner... someone who spreads love and care and joy etc... so many people just fucking suck, plain and simple and its quite sad and even more so, quite pathetic... im so happy that so many here are not like that and that i have nothing of the sort in my life... im beyond thankful...
btw, you need to come out and see me sometime and we can shop dylan style... LOL remember, i was a fashion model 6 years bro... that was my entire life in my early 20's after i got hurt playing basketball... one of the very few things i do to splurge is shop... i tend to just save etc. because i am a finance major and know the importance but i never have an issue dressing the way i do because you know what, it feels fucking good... i could care less who sees it, who talks shit etc.. that means nothing to me... its how YOU personally feel etc.. so what if someone splurges on tools because they love to build shit.. i HATE to build shit but I LOVE when people are passionate etc so i love that... it all goes hand in hand