So Im planning my next cycle.
Until now I have done some pure LGD cycle. (probably 2-3 years ago) A LGD with Ostarine where i first used the lgd and then after 1 month followed with ostarine. (1year ago) And then a pure Ostarinecycle (2 months ago).
Now i did some research and found Ostarine, RAD 140 and Cardarine fitting for my purpose. (i dont want to gain as much muscle, more shredding and strength, as Im a dancer and need to be flexible and fast)
So i wanted to ask you guys whats the best usage of those. should i just take all together? Or maybe leave some space between?
i could find that combining 2 of those is quite common. So should i do only 2?
Maybe someone knows / has experience with a even better stack for my purpose?
Thanks alot already
Until now I have done some pure LGD cycle. (probably 2-3 years ago) A LGD with Ostarine where i first used the lgd and then after 1 month followed with ostarine. (1year ago) And then a pure Ostarinecycle (2 months ago).
Now i did some research and found Ostarine, RAD 140 and Cardarine fitting for my purpose. (i dont want to gain as much muscle, more shredding and strength, as Im a dancer and need to be flexible and fast)
So i wanted to ask you guys whats the best usage of those. should i just take all together? Or maybe leave some space between?
i could find that combining 2 of those is quite common. So should i do only 2?
Maybe someone knows / has experience with a even better stack for my purpose?
Thanks alot already