Hi, i want to use ostarine and lgd for first cycle ever. For how long i should use them and how much mg per day i should use? Also the most important thing is PCT. Can someone explain how it works, what should i use for PCT? Thank you.
Judging by it seems you have NO idea how these compounds work you should proberly ask yourself if you are ready to run any PED? All that information is easy to find on this forum with simple searching . whats yours stats ?
please do more research about them before you just start using them... its pretty evident you have no idea what you are doing
1-12 lgd-4033 (ANABOLICUM) 10 mg per day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 mk2866 25 mg per day, dosed once a day in the a.m.
9-12 DGA POST CT https://www.dganutrition.com/pct/post-ct
okay, thank you. one more question. when i should drink those sarms? like after meal, before meal and should i drink both lgd and ostarine at the same time?
did you read my post? it says the time of day to do it... it makes no difference with or without a meal... bro, please, dont use anything until you read A LOT more...
please do more research about them before you just start using them... its pretty evident you have no idea what you are doing
1-12 lgd-4033 (ANABOLICUM) 10 mg per day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 mk2866 25 mg per day, dosed once a day in the a.m.
9-12 DGA POST CT https://www.dganutrition.com/pct/post-ct
Quick question. If I was to add DAA to the this stack, I'd assume it would be weeks 9-12 because that's what I've been seeing here on the forum, but I can't find the logic for using DAA weeks 9-12 as opposed to weeks 13-16. Can you please clarify?
Quick question. If I was to add DAA to the this stack, I'd assume it would be weeks 9-12 because that's what I've been seeing here on the forum, but I can't find the logic for using DAA weeks 9-12 as opposed to weeks 13-16. Can you please clarify?
Quick question. If I was to add DAA to the this stack, I'd assume it would be weeks 9-12 because that's what I've been seeing here on the forum, but I can't find the logic for using DAA weeks 9-12 as opposed to weeks 13-16. Can you please clarify?
You are also fine to use it in pct, but the last 4 weeks of the cycle it's used to keep suppression at bay and make the transition into pct go more smoothly
You are also fine to use it in pct, but the last 4 weeks of the cycle it's used to keep suppression at bay and make the transition into pct go more smoothly
Sorry about the slight hijack OP. You can have your thread back BTW I'm on this exact cycle + S4 and I've made considerable strength gains, highly recommend. I'll be posting a log once I get my mid-cycle bloods back in a day or so...
Sorry about the slight hijack OP. You can have your thread back BTW I'm on this exact cycle + S4 and I've made considerable strength gains, highly recommend. I'll be posting a log once I get my mid-cycle bloods back in a day or so...