
Ordering gear and pct online

Hmm... Hey just signed up can I get 40 vials of primo, 40 vials of test cyp, and aww what the hell throw in some winny too...
Fuck ya know. Lol. It still blows me away though errytime I see that type of ridiculous behavior.

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Fuck ya know. Lol. It still blows me away though errytime I see that type of ridiculous behavior.

Sent from my SM-G550T1 using Tapatalk

I love it here man but it definitely gets interesting... The amount of ignorance that goes on sometimes is overwhelming. If people would come here bullshit with us and ask questions before just going, " hey I'm gonna shoot 1000mg of test and deca a week with no pct is that cool?" No that's not cool " you know where I can get some bro???"
Ya I might have a game/auction for a rare 30ml 300mg primo lol


fuck, I'm in i was kinda pissed i thought the bidding ended at 8 on the other auction, I was very convinced that it ended at 8pm then I look and it was over and that dude won for like 20 bucks more then my fucking bid... bet he's gonna love that fat pack.
Sure am, fuck I have a break in between classes from 330-5, so i kinda wanna map out what I'm gonna get before hand so I can go to fucking walmart
shit thats whats up man, thank you I did want deca but I'm not running that till next cycle so I still got a while anyways...
cool yeah man shit looks pretty good, ill let you know what exactly i want either when i finish this fucking paper or in the morning cuz it would be nice to have it by friday, not sure what time they stop shipping
looks like I'm gonna have to go with some test cyp and i might give the sust a shot too never used it but I'm sure i could figure it out... test ace thats interesting
Can never have enough cyp and sust. Goes with everything.


I completely agree, if I don't have certain compounds, especially ones I'm not running at the time it doesn't really matter. There is never enough test because, like you said, it goes with everything. I'm currently trying to build a little stash of certain compounds that I like, while also trying to collect for my next cycle. I've tried a few domestics on here, just trying to find out which ones I want to give the majority of my business to. Having a shitload of test will never be a downfall IMO lol.
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