
Oral tren

Things like halo or mt or dnp are products no one should use. There is a point at which enough products are enough. Unless you are a bodybuilder pro competitor that gets paid to WIN why even touch it. There is no quick route to heing ripped. It takes time commitment and will power. Not just swallow a bunch of pills and inject a bunch of shit.

I wish people would just use the normal products in a moderate manner work hard eat right sleep right and read and read and read and learn.

Things like halo or mt or dnp are products no one should use. There is a point at which enough products are enough. Unless you are a bodybuilder pro competitor that gets paid to WIN why even touch it. There is no quick route to heing ripped. It takes time commitment and will power. Not just swallow a bunch of pills and inject a bunch of shit.

I wish people would just use the normal products in a moderate manner work hard eat right sleep right and read and read and read and learn.


dude some people just like it man. im not saying i agree with it or i would ever take some of this stuff. but to each his own. they know the risks.
Whats wrong with just taking notmal tren. Its highly effective and strong. Why risk your health. Makes no sense


I understand it from a business standpoint, giving away a bunch of methyl tren is way more cost effective than giving away a bunch of tren a or e or base for that matter. It's all in healthy debate, nobody is saying anyone is doing anything wrong but it's good to have the warnings out there, If your not heavily experienced don't run the stuff. ON the other hand if your giving something away and there is no financial down side some people who shouldn't try it will try it.
dude some people just like it man. im not saying i agree with it or i would ever take some of this stuff. but to each his own. they know the risks.

For sure everyone is their own man. But all of that stuff is so toxic and in the hands of a non experienced user can be fatal

I understand it from a business standpoint, giving away a bunch of methyl tren is way more cost effective than giving away a bunch of tren a or e or base for that matter. It's all in healthy debate, nobody is saying anyone is doing anything wrong but it's good to have the warnings out there, If your not heavily experienced don't run the stuff. ON the other hand if your giving something away and there is no financial down side some people who shouldn't try it will try it.

Yes i agree. I just worry about non experienced running it and dying. We dont want our customers to die. Lol. But no i do understand the uses but those are just some of the most dangerous. I consider myself a pretty experienced user and i wouldnt touch those and i compete. The health risks dont out way any possible benefit. But to each their own as long as they really research what they are about to put in their bodies and get the proper guidance it can be on. Its like tx said. Hes done it and wouldnt recommend it.

Yes i agree. I just worry about non experienced running it and dying. We dont want our customers to die. Lol. But no i do understand the uses but those are just some of the most dangerous. I consider myself a pretty experienced user and i wouldnt touch those and i compete. The health risks dont out way any possible benefit. But to each their own as long as they really research what they are about to put in their bodies and get the proper guidance it can be on. Its like tx said. Hes done it and wouldnt recommend it.


No competitor would fuck with this that I know. Even the ones that get paid... lol. Yes they will do some crazy shit but nobody I know will fuck with this one.
I will touch on this all this evening as i get back but this is not a good thing... Offering it as a product for sale is one thing but encouraging it like this is not...
I have done mostly orals, they work really for me and what I try to do. But this sounds too risky on the liver even at doses of 250mcg for 2 weeks
I have done mostly orals, they work really for me and what I try to do. But this sounds too risky on the liver even at doses of 250mcg for 2 weeks
That's a pretty tolerable dose. 250mg is fairly minor. Just do a lot of research on it. Learn what you can. I just don't see the real point in the drug to be honest.

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Yeah was interested in it since it was gonna be something new but the ratio of pro vs con isn't that great on this one
seriously need to be careful with this shit! I wouldn't even mess with this stuff.
I will touch on this all this evening as i get back but this is not a good thing... Offering it as a product for sale is one thing but encouraging it like this is not...

I agree wholeheartedly. I don't think a lot of consumers realize the extent of the severity of this compound and exactly what it could potentially do to you. I can't say I'm exactly comfortable with it being given as a gift from a source no matter who it is
Look guys don't go throwing Pharmalady under the bus for giving free stuff. I understand it's a dangerous compound. But I'm sure she didn't mean any harm by it.
Look guys don't go throwing Pharmalady under the bus for giving free stuff. I understand it's a dangerous compound. But I'm sure she didn't mean any harm by it.

I have no doubt on that bro. I know she wouldn't mean any harm to anyone whatsoever. We are just looking out for the members here and always keep everyone's safety first. It's just that it's very important for people to know what this compound entails because of just how unhealthy and harsh it is. It becomes a little concerning when it's thrown in as a free item that people may use, completely unaware of what they are getting themselves into.
Look guys don't go throwing Pharmalady under the bus for giving free stuff. I understand it's a dangerous compound. But I'm sure she didn't mean any harm by it.

No doubt but thats a very dangerous product to hand out free. Maybe something less toxic next time but freebies are always nice

I have no doubt on that bro. I know she wouldn't mean any harm to anyone whatsoever. We are just looking out for the members here and always keep everyone's safety first. It's just that it's very important for people to know what this compound entails because of just how unhealthy and harsh it is. It becomes a little concerning when it's thrown in as a free item that people may use, completely unaware of what they are getting themselves into.

This is a pretty new forum so we don't have all the typical unspoken rules yet, on most i'm on we usually agree not to give out

thyroid meds
diet meds in general
Xanax (on the forums that allow it)
Insulin (forgot to mention that one)
some we agree not even to give away tren

I had a good friend who ran a tri tren blend on his first cycle and ran it for over 6 months, He got a terrible kidney infection and ended up in the hospital. I can guarantee you that if he had the option to run methyl tren he would have ran it for the whole time, We both really had the more is better attitude when we first started and it only takes one guy like that to hurt us all. Us domestic guys have to be extra vigilant because if we hurt someone it gives them a legit reason to find the motivation to get us. That's the last thing i'll say on it but maybe we should get together sometime and decide what's safe to give away to random promo recipients in order to keep us all safe, We don't need some dumb kid getting hurt and we have no real way to age verify.
This is a pretty new forum so we don't have all the typical unspoken rules yet, on most i'm on we usually agree not to give out

thyroid meds
diet meds in general
Xanax (on the forums that allow it)
some we agree not even to give away tren

I had a good friend who ran a tri tren blend on his first cycle and ran it for over 6 months, He got a terrible kidney infection and ended up in the hospital. I can guarantee you that if he had the option to run methyl tren he would have ran it for the whole time, We both really had the more is better attitude when we first started and it only takes one guy like that to hurt us all. Us domestic guys have to be extra vigilant because if we hurt someone it gives them a legit reason to find the motivation to get us. That's the last thing i'll say on it but maybe we should get together sometime and decide what's safe to give away to random promo recipients in order to keep us all safe, We don't need some dumb kid getting hurt and we have no real way to age verify.

I would have to agree whole heartedly.

Yes i agree. I just worry about non experienced running it and dying. We dont want our customers to die. Lol. But no i do understand the uses but those are just some of the most dangerous. I consider myself a pretty experienced user and i wouldnt touch those and i compete. The health risks dont out way any possible benefit. But to each their own as long as they really research what they are about to put in their bodies and get the proper guidance it can be on. Its like tx said. Hes done it and wouldnt recommend it.

Yes, I see that, we do most of our business on return customers, it's hard to quantify what each is worth but with a little math I can see that it could cost us over $1600 per year for each and every customers we accidently murder, I try to keep my eye on the bottom line.
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