

That is why we order in kilos!!!
At present everyone should be aware that the dea is on to the china shipping methods and is planning on a severe crackdown. Plus when you get the seizure letter they will tell you what and how much, and the purity. I like that...they tell me how pure it

Raw Hormone Powder supplier ? Busted !

A major Chinese steroid powder sponsor has been busted in the United States after a Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) investigation.

The man behind ?Powerlife Nutrition Corporation Ltd? (PLN) known as ?Mr. Liu? has been arrested in Denver, Colorado on October 22, 2015. The real name of ?Mr. Liu? is 32-year old male Yi Yu ? a Chinese national.

You may be wondering why a Chinese steroid source was in the United States, risking his freedom and illegal business, but it seems it was part of an eloberate plan to bait Yu to the Global by a former customer and steroid dealer operation a busted underground lab (UGL) in Colorado.

Test Enan powderThe Denver based UGL was busted on busted on July 30, 2014 by the Boulder County Drug Task Force (BCDTF). The arrested individual agreed to testify and snitch in return for a more lenient sentence. That included information on his powder sponsor ?Mr. Liu?.

Yu was primarily in the United States as one of his daughters was enrolled at the University of Oregon. Yu had obtained a Combined Visa for Business or Pleasure (B1/B2 visa), which would allow him to accompany his daughters first few days at school and spend some time visiting the U.S. which he hadn?t done before. That now seems to be a large mistake because of Yu had remained in China he would have been out of the reach of U.S. investigators.

Unfortunately for Yu, he has also arranged to meet some of his biggest steroid UGL operators and customers on U.S. soil. After one of them had been busted a year earlier and agreed to give information to the Boulder County District Attorney?s Office as a ?confidential informant?, Yu was walking into a trap.

The FBI and DEA then setup 3 controlled deliveries of anabolic steroids by Yu to the confidential information and snitch. These purchases included some large raw powder orders including; 1kg of Testosterone Cypionate, 1kg of Testosterone Propionate, 1kg of Deca-Durabolin (nandrolone), 2000 tablets of Dianabol, 1000 pills of Anavar (oxandorlone), 1kg of Sustanon 250, 1kg of Testosterone Enanthate, 2000 oral steroid tablets of Winstrol (stanozolol) and 1000 Anadrol (oxymetholone) capsules.

Worryingly for Global based customers, police officers found a massive amount of information when arresting Yu. Federal agents discovered Paypal information, Western Union (WU) records, a huge amount of PLN emails and bank wire data.

Between February 9, 2012 and May 22, 2015 Yu had sent 139,000 emails, which Google handed over to investigators. This included all emails sent to and from plnutrition@gmail. WU records details 179 cash transaction using the name Sanhong Liu in Hong Kong and China. 118 payments made to Yi Yu and Yuxan Ding. The WU cash amount exceeded $500,000. PayPal data was also handed over to federal officers. All payments to and from plnutritioncn were seized.

With the sheer amount of information taken by officers, more UGL busts are sure to follow in the Global.

This is from 3 days ago only, it could caused problems for hundreds of people.
I read about that over 4 months ago. Not new info

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But they busted a forwarder in the us. Dont order from that. Order from the source direct


Yeah but the guy talked.Told them how the chinese do biz, shipping methods,concealment methods etc. Plus it woke them up to how much gear is coming in to the USA. Has the dea licking their chops.
I meant 2 months ago.

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Yes I posted it when the news broke.But I did just read that the dea is actively following up and that by the end of 2016 they will have done some major seizures. The dea also wants big talks with china to crack down on the production facilities. China agreed, but you kow that means nothing. My brother has done purities for one source and they always send him huge gifts. Nothing has ever been siezed but I see the day coming. Of course it will come and go.
Yeah but the guy talked.Told them how the chinese do biz, shipping methods,concealment methods etc. Plus it woke them up to how much gear is coming in to the USA. Has the dea licking their chops.
The Chinese will change everything or they will find new sources. DEA shouldn't be licking anything since they have never successfully stopped anything. If the DEA was a sports team they would of never won a game.

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Fantastic read here on this thread. Well if it's like any other compound it will find its way in to the market. International sources are always there if things go way too hot. Let's hope thy focus on the real drugs and leave AAS alone as they should. What a waste of money and time on this
It's crazy. On a low level it used to be only the DEA on drugs. Now ALL agencies want in on drugs for the money from seizures and shit. Hell even homeland is on the drug wagon now.

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