
On TRT and want to blast and cruise


New member
Hey guys new member here but been reading in the shadows for some time now. I'm 34 Y/O, 5'7", 185 lbs with around 13% BF. My doctor just put me on TRT going on my 3rd week now of 200MG of Test CYP a week. Now Ive done some research and I know I will be on TRT probably for the rest of my life. I'm planning on blasting on 500 MG test Cyp and 600 MG EQ both being split up and pin 2X a week. Do I need to run a AI with it? If so is Anastrozole a good choice for AI if yes will that be the only thing I need to run on while on my blasy? And I've read that since I'm blasting and cruising I will not need any PCT correct?
Thank you for you time and looking forward to hearing from you guys!!
Hey guys new member here but been reading in the shadows for some time now. I'm 34 Y/O, 5'7", 185 lbs with around 13% BF. My doctor just put me on TRT going on my 3rd week now of 200MG of Test CYP a week. Now Ive done some research and I know I will be on TRT probably for the rest of my life. I'm planning on blasting on 500 MG test Cyp and 600 MG EQ both being split up and pin 2X a week. Do I need to run a AI with it? If so is Anastrozole a good choice for AI if yes will that be the only thing I need to run on while on my blasy? And I've read that since I'm blasting and cruising I will not need any PCT correct?
Thank you for you time and looking forward to hearing from you guys!!

Yes, you will need an AI anytime you run aromatizing compounds higher than normal levels. I would get Aromasin and run that at 12.5mg EOD.

you can get High quality Aromasin from

And you do not need a pct if you blast and cruise. You just return back to your TRT after the cycle.

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Can you send me a direct link to that AI? I can't find it. And one last question how long do I run the AI just on my blast phase? Thanks
3rd week of TRT is still early stages, you should hold off on a blast until you reach a stable test level IMO
You're blasting waaaaay too soon man! Slow down and let your body acclimate to the synthetic test. You'll notice changes for a year! Seriously! Take a good year and train and eat and sleep and use TRT and you'll be happy. 200 a week is aggressive for TRT dose. Enjoy it and get what it can out of it before you blast. I've been on TRT over 4 years and never blasted till last year. My body changed for the better every year just with TRT. It takes a while to really learn TRT bro trust me! You'll thank me if you actually listen to this advice.

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