
Okay its confirmed I have Gyno!

I have always relized that I had a little bit of Gyno but always thought that I carried fat through my chest. Well I leaned out quite a bit and I did loose quite a bit of fat on my chest, but I have mild gyno and its driving me crazy. I didn't get it through cycles just through puberty I guess. So this begs the question should I try to crush it with Levo or just get the surgery. A little gyno doesn't bother me, but a 50% reduction of my current tit problem would bolster my confidence and just put me in a better state of mine. Since its from puberty should I even waste my time with Levo or just go straight for the surgery.

if its from puberty bro, you need to just get surgery... that's the bottom line.. you can try methods but 95% of the time it won't work... the surgery is easy... 45 minutes to an hour and they don't even put you under unless you absolutely request it... generally its between 3000-5000 for the procedure...
Good luck 21. I was reading through to see if you actually got diagnosed looks like you did. Surgery's probably totally worth it! I'll probably do some lipo to remove excess fat along with the surgery so you'll be good to go!

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Its prob not even that bad, but I get it OP. You see this all the time so youre not alone, but If you got the bred just buy the surgery, otherwise just focus on building your chest man.
should be free with your Tricare or tell them it makes you depressed yada yada and embarrassed and they should fix it
A couple yrs ago, I went to costa rica. So one of my friends on another forum at the time asked me to bring him back a bottle of lidocaine. I had no idea what he wanted it for, and I never asked. I actually thought that maybe he was a pussy sticking himself with big gage needles, and he was going to slin pin some of that stuff prior to hitting himself with a 23 gage pin.

Man was I wrong! A few weeks later, he posts up pics of his home gyno surgery. Yup, he shot himself up and sliced away. He showed pics of the shit laying in his sink! yuk! He went to the emergency room to get it sewn up! LOL
A couple yrs ago, I went to costa rica. So one of my friends on another forum at the time asked me to bring him back a bottle of lidocaine. I had no idea what he wanted it for, and I never asked. I actually thought that maybe he was a pussy sticking himself with big gage needles, and he was going to slin pin some of that stuff prior to hitting himself with a 23 gage pin.

Man was I wrong! A few weeks later, he posts up pics of his home gyno surgery. Yup, he shot himself up and sliced away. He showed pics of the shit laying in his sink! yuk! He went to the emergency room to get it sewn up! LOL
[emoji15] [emoji15] [emoji15]
A couple yrs ago, I went to costa rica. So one of my friends on another forum at the time asked me to bring him back a bottle of lidocaine. I had no idea what he wanted it for, and I never asked. I actually thought that maybe he was a pussy sticking himself with big gage needles, and he was going to slin pin some of that stuff prior to hitting himself with a 23 gage pin.

Man was I wrong! A few weeks later, he posts up pics of his home gyno surgery. Yup, he shot himself up and sliced away. He showed pics of the shit laying in his sink! yuk! He went to the emergency room to get it sewn up! LOL

A couple yrs ago, I went to costa rica. So one of my friends on another forum at the time asked me to bring him back a bottle of lidocaine. I had no idea what he wanted it for, and I never asked. I actually thought that maybe he was a pussy sticking himself with big gage needles, and he was going to slin pin some of that stuff prior to hitting himself with a 23 gage pin.

Man was I wrong! A few weeks later, he posts up pics of his home gyno surgery. Yup, he shot himself up and sliced away. He showed pics of the shit laying in his sink! yuk! He went to the emergency room to get it sewn up! LOL

Holy shit man! That's insane! Self surgery is pretty fucking crazy lol.
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