DylanGemelli said:
I cant squat at all... I broke my back over 10 years ago and of course i passed on the surgery... I wanted nothing to do with that so after that occurred i literally cannot put any type of bar or weight on my back whatsoever so i have had to accommodate through extensive cardio and very minimal type exerecises... i cannot deadlift, squat etc... luckily the heavy cardio have basically overtrained my legs and i have good genetics with them as well... just lucky but once that happened i attempted to do some squats later and it was a mistake i learned from quickly and did not make again...
I'm somewhat in the same boat, as I've been battling back issues since my early 20s. I actually have a genetic defect in my pelvic bone in which it is not symmetrical on both sides. What this does is cause a spinal misalignment and shift over time. As a result of this, I must visit the chiropractor on a semi regular basis to get adjusted and keep everything in line. Heavy spinal compressive Movements like squats and deadlifts can be very detrimental to my back. If I go to heavy on either it really fucks my back up badly, and it can sideline me a week or more until I get straightened back out. So, while I still do both, I increased my rep ranges a lot and rarely go over 315 lbs on squat or 365 on deadlifts. A lot of times I don't even go that high, I just do much higher rep ranges and still see the same benefits and progression. It's all about working around what you have to deal with in terms of injuries and what not. Unfortunately, some of us can't just go in the gym all beast mode and deadlift 5 plates for reps. Even though my strength is there, my back just can't do it.