
Npp & Tendons


Would npp help my recovery of bicep tendonitis? I got it the other week and have been off from the gym for almost a week so far. I'm planning on taking another week off from the gym and get back into things and go light in the beginning until I feel 100% ready to hammer the weights again. I just got done blasting and plan to start up my cruise at 125mg test e and 175mg npp per week.
Trenrage said:
Would npp help my recovery of bicep tendonitis? I got it the other week and have been off from the gym for almost a week so far. I'm planning on taking another week off from the gym and get back into things and go light in the beginning until I feel 100% ready to hammer the weights again. I just got done blasting and plan to start up my cruise at 125mg test e and 175mg npp per week.

i would not count on that bro... even it if helps in the moment, which it probably won't, it's more of a band aid than providing you with real healing benefits...
Re: Npp & Tendons

Tendons are completely different than ligaments brother.. Depending on the severity of the injury there wont be much that can actually repair the damage. While nearly all AAS make tendons stronger they don't necessarily repair them, even nandrolones.. Understanding collagen synthesis and tissue / fascia repair are highly different.. However if its just tendonitis like you mentioned then its more than likely from too much growth too fast and simply overuse... Rest and light stretching will help and I also recommend resistance type dynamic stretching in a pool or underwater, and if I remember you are on or are incorporating hgh so that will slowly help also. Just up the legs and cardio for the down time and you'll be fine

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KingWizard said:
Tendons are completely different than ligaments brother.. Depending on the severity of the injury there wont be much that can actually repair the damage. While nearly all AAS make tendons stronger they don't necessarily repair them, even nandrolones.. Understanding collagen synthesis and tissue / fascia repair are highly different.. However if its just tendonitis like you mentioned then its more than likely from too much growth too fast and simply overuse... Rest and light stretching will help and I also recommend resistance type dynamic stretching in a pool or underwater, and if I remember you are on or are incorporating hgh so that will slowly help also. Just up the legs and cardio for the down time and you'll be fine

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Exactly right... this is one of the reasons and a very large one as to why its especially dangerous running steroids to young... your so far from developed and your enhancing something far too high than it was intended... one thing i notice with a lot of guys that start too young is they FREQUENTLY get injuries... they are FAR more susceptible to this and find they are suffering injuries far too often... its a very serious and real thing...
Yeh man, these guys summed it up pretty well, but NPP really isn't going to help your tendons. The best thing I can tell you is to listen to your body. If it tells you to take a break, I would take one. That's the best thing to do without possibly injuring yourself, or giving yourself a much worse situation than your current one
Re: Npp & Tendons

No it definatly will not. The only thing that will heal that is time and rest. If you keep lifting and pissing it off it will become a chronic probly. I have had it in both arms as im a baseball player. Trust me. Take care of it or u will wosh u had

tendonitis at a young age is just overgrowth and overuse and inflammation, resulting in too much stress on a particular ligament, tendon, etc.. You can actively rest it with bands, poolwork, lighter weight depending on how bad it is, or just might require full on rest
thanks for the replies bros.. It's been a week so far without the gym and I'm going to fully rest another week and maybe do some light lifting after anohter weeks rest to see how it feels. If there is pain I'll back off if not then I'll do light weight and exercises that don't hurt it and go from there.
Trenrage said:
thanks for the replies bros.. It's been a week so far without the gym and I'm going to fully rest another week and maybe do some light lifting after anohter weeks rest to see how it feels. If there is pain I'll back off if not then I'll do light weight and exercises that don't hurt it and go from there.

Perfect strategy brother. That's exactly the right way to handle it
Rick, Wizard and Phurious all brought up excellent points an are all right on the money... very strong advice!
I feel your pain bro..

The EXACT same thing happend to me early last week and im in week 2 without any gym time.. as mentioned do some legs, do some cardio but most important rest. You can come back stronger, because the body most likely needed the rest ;) once's you hit the gym next week do it at aprox 75% the first week and you'll be suprised the week after :)
krill89 said:
I feel your pain bro..

The EXACT same thing happend to me early last week and im in week 2 without any gym time.. as mentioned do some legs, do some cardio but most important rest. You can come back stronger, because the body most likely needed the rest ;) once's you hit the gym next week do it at aprox 75% the first week and you'll be suprised the week after :)

How you feelin now? I can defintely feel it starting to get better now. I hammered out legs today and I tell ya it felt great being in the gym since I took a week off. I was depressed not lifting one bit and now my mood is good again
DylanGemelli said:
Rick, Wizard and Phurious all brought up excellent points an are all right on the money... very strong advice!

Getting good advice from all you older guys, kingwiz killed it with the pool work idea.. I'm going to give that a try. I'll keep all of you updated, when I did legs today I randomly decided to do curls with a 20lb dumbbell... felt perfect no pain at all. I just did 1 set a lot of reps to give it a feel.
Trenrage said:
DylanGemelli said:
Rick, Wizard and Phurious all brought up excellent points an are all right on the money... very strong advice!

Getting good advice from all you older guys, kingwiz killed it with the pool work idea.. I'm going to give that a try. I'll keep all of you updated, when I did legs today I randomly decided to do curls with a 20lb dumbbell... felt perfect no pain at all. I just did 1 set a lot of reps to give it a feel.

Love the attitude brother... you have grown a lot (not just muscle wise) in just a years time and the more you do all the way around, the far more successful you will be... NONE OF US know everything but when we really listen and learn from one another, you already know the wonderful things you can experience... I love it bro, seriously, love it...
Trenrage said:
krill89 said:
I feel your pain bro..

The EXACT same thing happend to me early last week and im in week 2 without any gym time.. as mentioned do some legs, do some cardio but most important rest. You can come back stronger, because the body most likely needed the rest ;) once's you hit the gym next week do it at aprox 75% the first week and you'll be suprised the week after :)

How you feelin now? I can defintely feel it starting to get better now. I hammered out legs today and I tell ya it felt great being in the gym since I took a week off. I was depressed not lifting one bit and now my mood is good again

That's good to hear bro! Im also feeling much better! I had sort of a leg day to (no squats :( ) and climbed abit out of my depression.. how seriouse was your tendonitis? The first week i couldnt move without strong painkillers.. so im not sure if im as bold as you are giving the dumbells a go. Mby though :) do you feel a sharp pain threw out your arm also?
Re: RE: Re: Npp & Tendons

Trenrage said:
DylanGemelli said:
Rick, Wizard and Phurious all brought up excellent points an are all right on the money... very strong advice!

Getting good advice from all you older guys, kingwiz killed it with the pool work idea.. I'm going to give that a try. I'll keep all of you updated, when I did legs today I randomly decided to do curls with a 20lb dumbbell... felt perfect no pain at all. I just did 1 set a lot of reps to give it a feel.
Awesome to hear brother! Keep us updated on how everything is going, and hopefully you'll be back to being able to lift heavier in no time
DylanGemelli said:
Trenrage said:
DylanGemelli said:
Rick, Wizard and Phurious all brought up excellent points an are all right on the money... very strong advice!

Getting good advice from all you older guys, kingwiz killed it with the pool work idea.. I'm going to give that a try. I'll keep all of you updated, when I did legs today I randomly decided to do curls with a 20lb dumbbell... felt perfect no pain at all. I just did 1 set a lot of reps to give it a feel.

Love the attitude brother... you have grown a lot (not just muscle wise) in just a years time and the more you do all the way around, the far more successful you will be... NONE OF US know everything but when we really listen and learn from one another, you already know the wonderful things you can experience... I love it bro, seriously, love it...

every small thing/tip you learn from each and every person will make you a more successful person in the end. Through trial and error it really does work!! We're just gonna keep on learning and growing. There is so much to know when it comes to this lifestyle
krill89 said:
Trenrage said:
krill89 said:
I feel your pain bro..

The EXACT same thing happend to me early last week and im in week 2 without any gym time.. as mentioned do some legs, do some cardio but most important rest. You can come back stronger, because the body most likely needed the rest ;) once's you hit the gym next week do it at aprox 75% the first week and you'll be suprised the week after :)

How you feelin now? I can defintely feel it starting to get better now. I hammered out legs today and I tell ya it felt great being in the gym since I took a week off. I was depressed not lifting one bit and now my mood is good again

That's good to hear bro! Im also feeling much better! I had sort of a leg day to (no squats :( ) and climbed abit out of my depression.. how seriouse was your tendonitis? The first week i couldnt move without strong painkillers.. so im not sure if im as bold as you are giving the dumbells a go. Mby though :) do you feel a sharp pain threw out your arm also?

It was TERRIBLE one day and I was lifting when the pain came on to me.. couldn't even move my damn arm. It hurt just sitting there then after that day it still bothered me but I noticed it got better by the day pretty much. I haven't felt any pain yesterday or today which is great. hahaha and what's a leg day without squats right?! JK dude I actually sometimes think squats are overrated imo... anyone else feel this way? I had to cut squats out completely due to my hamstring getting bothered during squats and I just did Leg ext, leg press, hack squats, straight legged deads, leg curl ettc for my leg workout
Re: RE: Re: Npp & Tendons

RickRock said:
Trenrage said:
DylanGemelli said:
Rick, Wizard and Phurious all brought up excellent points an are all right on the money... very strong advice!

Getting good advice from all you older guys, kingwiz killed it with the pool work idea.. I'm going to give that a try. I'll keep all of you updated, when I did legs today I randomly decided to do curls with a 20lb dumbbell... felt perfect no pain at all. I just did 1 set a lot of reps to give it a feel.
Awesome to hear brother! Keep us updated on how everything is going, and hopefully you'll be back to being able to lift heavier in no time

That's what I'm hoping for! all I've been thinking about is a crazy workout I can't do lol.
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