Hello, I'm 40 now and have alot of experience with gear. I have some NPP 150 and some Deca 300 and basically I want to use the Npp, 2 x a week and the deca along with that. now back in my day There was no npp in 2000, only deca. I think getting it into the body quickly and having the deconate ester kick in, I have... .5mg cabergoline, and aromaisn 25 mg tabs, I'm older and on 300 mgs of Test Cyp.. free from the dr. got to love that free test.. lol. so I actually don't know it all, yes I'm knowledgeable on alot, but since some of this shit is new to me I Woukd really like some insight on how to cycle this and dosage as well.. i really like Dylan and his info, Thanks guys I Would appreciate it.
I'm 40
went from 18% bodyfat to 12% in 6 weeks
5 10
20 year's of training
I'm 40
went from 18% bodyfat to 12% in 6 weeks
5 10
20 year's of training