Powder City is great, I've been a happy customer for a couple of years now. Noopept is good stuff, but none of the OTC nootropics can compare to modafinil.
I would recommend a racetam/choline stack if you're looking for focus, memory retention, memory recall, and similar effects to modafinil. I like Aniracetam and Alpha GPC as my racetam and choline sources. Throw in a couple of fish oils if you don't take this with a meal that contains fat, because racetams are fat soluble. Fish oil also has cognitive benefits that many aren't aware of.
Start with 750 mg of Aniracetam and 300 mg of Alpha GPC. Most people work up to 1500 mg of Aniracetam. I like 1500 mg of Aniracetam and 600 mg of Alpha GPC for a big day, otherwise the minimum dose works well for me.
If you also want the energy boost that adderall (meth) provides you can add a caffeine/theanine stack. Keep a 2 to 1 ratio of theanine to caffeine. Theanine enhances the good effects of caffeine, while minimizing the potential shakiness, sweaty palms, etc. The above stack and at least 100 mg caffeine + 200 mg theanine will keep you focused and energized for hours.
Best of luck and enjoy. Nootropics are awesome!