Hey guys.
I will start my cycle next week. I would like to make some adjustments If necessary before starting it. Some people use Nolvadex on Cycle to prevent gyno. Do you advice it? Or an AI alone it's good enough?
Hey guys.
I will start my cycle next week. I would like to make some adjustments If necessary before starting it. Some people use Nolvadex on Cycle to prevent gyno. Do you advice it? Or an AI alone it's good enough?
Hey guys.
I will start my cycle next week. I would like to make some adjustments If necessary before starting it. Some people use Nolvadex on Cycle to prevent gyno. Do you advice it? Or an AI alone it's good enough?
There is absolutely no reason whatsoever to use Nolva on cycle. It makes no sense to. If you control estrogen on cycle correctly like you're supposed to with an AI, gyno and estrogen sides are not a concern anyways
Nolva on cycle is an outdated way to control estrogen. An AI like aromasin is far superior. It will not only control estrogen but increase IGF-1 by 25%. I would recommend a dose of 10mg EOD. It is also a much better choice than arimidex because aromasin is a suicide AI so there is no risk of estrogen rebound and also it will not mess with your lipid levels.