Hi dylan i watch u on u tube I hope u can help me out .iuse to take aas for 20years. Came off over 3 years ago since I've came off I have no sex drive I have seen a few specialists.and my endocrinologist put my on trt.that did not work said my receptors r not responding.said it will take time for them to start responding.i was told to up my dose till I felt better as my body is use to testosterone. so I gave that a go went up to 2000mg test e a week. It did not help at all still no sex drive.my .i have came OFF trt now for 12 mouths as it was not working ..i don't no what I have done why I'm not getting better.all my hormones r in range.all the doctors and endocrinologist r saying it's my receptors.could this be right? If so how long can they take to recover? One doctor told my I could have permanently damage my receptors is this possible?I just have no libido what so ever I can get aroused at all no matter what my wife does.its really getting me down.what could I have done to to my self?.hope to hear soon hope you have some answers to help me out thanks