
Nipples feeling weird with LGD


New member
So just started my first cycle with LGD, 10mg/day, day 5 now and have had some strange feeling of activity in my nipples these last 2-3days. Kind of hard to describe, they are not puffy or itchy just the feeling of that something is triggering them in some weird way. I know LGD aren't supposed to aromatize, is this something to worry about or just continue with same dosing and wait for it to subside? I have access to aromasin but would prefer to use it only if its relly necessary.

All the stuff comes from SARMSX so should be good.
that has nothing to do with lgd whatsoever.. dbol would not even give you any sort of thing like that in five days.. you have nothing to worry about whatsoever...
A lot of people create a problem that isn't there, and its more mental than anything. Lgd certainly won't do that, especially in that time frame
thought about some pre gyno signs but will have to wait and see if it goes away, thanks for clearing that up
brother, nothing can cause gyno symptoms in five days, especially something that does not even convert to estrogen

I also thought it was a little early, just 5 days...but this is new to me so..what signs would you look for before starting with aromasin in my case?
OP, the mind is a very powerful thing. Most guys are so paranoid about the possibility of getting gyno that it consumes them when in reality everything is fine. If they start getting undeniably itchy and puffy then it may be cause for concern. Keep an eye on it but don't overthink it.
Loss gyno

List everything you are taking. Everything bro. Did you cycle anything recently?
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Unless you have some sort of medical problem with your hormones that is not diagnosed you shouldn't have elevated estrogen levels with what you are taking. That sucks you can't get bloods done. Peace of mind and let's you know for sure what you're dealing with.

Got the nipples under control with aromasin, but last 2 days comes prostate pain, getting off this stuff now...legit LGD?
totally legit, I've taken it numerous times.

Sometimes the SARMS gods kick us in the ass. I had that with S4, and Mk677, neither of which I can take.

Its just the way it is with hormonal drugs.
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