First off stats:
Age 25
Height 6'3
Weight 225
Bf 10-12%
Been lifting 7 years 2 cycles previously. Tbol only cycle 60mg ed for 6 weeks. And test prop only cycle 100mg eod for 8 weeks.
Next cycle going for a bulk and will be:
Weeks 1-12 sustanon 500mg ew
Weeks 1-12 nandrolone blend 300mg ew (100mg deca, 100mg npp, 100mg undecanoate)
Weeks 10-15 75mg anavar ed
Weeks 1-15 25mg proviron ed
Will be shooting twice weekly Monday and Thursday 1ml sustanon with .5ml nandrolone. .5mg caber e3d and 12.5mg aromasin ed (taking every day rather than eod works better for me).
Pct weeks 16-20:
Clomid ed 50/50/25/25/12.5
Nolva ed 40/20/20/20/10
Aromasin eod 12.5/12.5/7.5/7.5
Was wondering how my sustanon and nandrolone dosages were looking. If I could get away with 250mg ew of sustanon and get same results I would do that?
Age 25
Height 6'3
Weight 225
Bf 10-12%
Been lifting 7 years 2 cycles previously. Tbol only cycle 60mg ed for 6 weeks. And test prop only cycle 100mg eod for 8 weeks.
Next cycle going for a bulk and will be:
Weeks 1-12 sustanon 500mg ew
Weeks 1-12 nandrolone blend 300mg ew (100mg deca, 100mg npp, 100mg undecanoate)
Weeks 10-15 75mg anavar ed
Weeks 1-15 25mg proviron ed
Will be shooting twice weekly Monday and Thursday 1ml sustanon with .5ml nandrolone. .5mg caber e3d and 12.5mg aromasin ed (taking every day rather than eod works better for me).
Pct weeks 16-20:
Clomid ed 50/50/25/25/12.5
Nolva ed 40/20/20/20/10
Aromasin eod 12.5/12.5/7.5/7.5
Was wondering how my sustanon and nandrolone dosages were looking. If I could get away with 250mg ew of sustanon and get same results I would do that?