
Newbie looking for guidance/advice to plan up a hardcore cutting cycle...!!!!!!


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I’m Mark. Ive been wanting to plan out a cutting cycle for sometime now and figured I sure could use some advice from those who’ve ‘been there, done that’. I’m new to the world of steroids. Have been reading and researching a lot lately.

My current stats:

Weight: 74.8 Kgs
Height: 5’8”
Body fat: 12%
Age: 29 years

Started off gymming about 5 years back. Weighed about 98kgs back then and around 28% body fat. Over the past years I’ve learnt a lot about wellness, nutrition and of course training. From being obese, underconfident and depressed to now a healthy man with a good frame of mind; sure damn feels good.

I’m passionate about bodybuilding and really want to carve out a physique that I can be proud of. Yes, there are no shortcuts to achieving the coveted end result( training, diet ) but I think I could use steroids as an accessory to assist me in the same.

I encounter loose skin especially around my abdominal and butt area. Breaking plateau is difficult; pain in me ass. I keep trying variations with workouts, nutrition etc. workout about 1-1:30 hours about 5-6 times a week.

I have been exposed to testosterone propionate and trenbolone once before last year. I tolerate them well. Didn’t receive the right guidance back then so failed to achieve what I intended to; however learnt from the experience, got myself updated with some good reading online.

I’m in search for some productive advice to plan out a hardcore cutting cycle. I want to reach the 8-10% body fat range.

I’m sensitive to estrogen(no gyno issues) and tend to hold up a lot of water.

Consuming about 1500 calories on a deficit with about 170-180gms protein and about 40-60gms of carbs.

I’ve come up with a cycle plan and need the expertise on how to go about it the right way.

Cycle: 12 weeks

Test prop: 150mg per week (using it as a base) TRT dose
Tren acetate: 400mg per week
Masteron: 400mg per week
Armidex: 0.25 eod
HCG: 250 IU twice a week

PCT: 3 days after last shot

Nolvadex: 20/20/10/10
Clomid: 100/100/50/50

If you can help me plan out a great cycle So that I can hit the 8-10% range I’ll be highly greatful. Looking forward to hearing from you guys.
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From a quick look, I think that’s a bit too much for a 2nd cycle bro.. I also think that masteron is not ideal here... 400mg is far too low and on top of that you really need to be under 10% bf to see it shine...

In my opinion you can easily cut with a simple test cycle... maybe add a bunch of sarms...
something like:

Test cyp 350mg per week
S4 50mg per day
GW 20mg per day

If your diet is on point this is a great stack for cutting ...

Edit: your Pct needs fixing... it should be:

Clomid 50/50/50/25/25/25
Nolva 40/40/40/20/20/20
Aromasin 12.5 mg eod
MK-2866 25 mg day (4 weeks)
GW-501516 20 mg day
Are you doing any cardio? I think you need to get your deficit mainly from cardio work as I don't think you are eating enough.

Also my calculations from you carbs and protein suggest you are getting about 500-600 calories from fat which is too much imo.

The cycle Gian suggested would be ideal.
Ok Gian, I’ll look into it. Thanks.

Olderbro- Did my math. Total 1400 calories. Carbs 80gms, Protein 184gms, Fats 35gms.. this is more specific.

I do HIIT 3 days a week for about 45 mins to an hour.

What do you reckon with these numbers? How should I play about/ around this?

The loose skin worries me.
Bump^^^ 1400 calories a day is going to cause starvation mode and you to be catabolic
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