
New to forum and SArMs

So I have now been on sarms triple stack 3 weeks. Wt has increased. Body fat down 1%. No measurement changes and to me I don't look different in thr belly section. I am stronger I feel. I look more vascular. Also a muscle increase.. I do not feel as if these are working to help lean me out as fast or as I would like to, but it's only 3 weeks and I am gaining strength and muscle so that's good and I'll take it. I'm hoping the next few weeks I really start to see a difference I have also dropped my calories some to help make a difference... no vision side effects yet either.

I would recommend tightening the diet just a bit more if you are looking for faster results. You just don't want to exceed 2 lbs of fat loss per week but you are fine at anything under that
Ok I'm thinking I'm still eating too much..I'm 5'6 26 female. At 139. Cardio is 30ish min 4 x week make sure to burn at least 300cal each session.. and I recently added a stair session of 20 min. My main vacation is in 11 weeks. Uti have one in 6 weeks so am trying to move a bit of weight before that one.. I start week 4 sarms tomorrow... I've been doing iiifym. However making sure I'm hitting at least 30g fiber. 130p. 160c. 50f. I'm not having Cheat meals per say just fitting those into my cal and macro reakdown.. any advise.. def need to drop cals and maybe switch up my macros ?? To get things going again..
Ok I'm thinking I'm still eating too much..I'm 5'6 26 female. At 139. Cardio is 30ish min 4 x week make sure to burn at least 300cal each session.. and I recently added a stair session of 20 min. My main vacation is in 11 weeks. Uti have one in 6 weeks so am trying to move a bit of weight before that one.. I start week 4 sarms tomorrow... I've been doing iiifym. However making sure I'm hitting at least 30g fiber. 130p. 160c. 50f. I'm not having Cheat meals per say just fitting those into my cal and macro reakdown.. any advise.. def need to drop cals and maybe switch up my macros ?? To get things going again..

I'd say you need to cut down on your carbs, and increase your fats a little. You're eating primarily carbs in your diet. You need to increase protein a little cut carbs and increase on your fats.
And how many calories are u taking in? Follow dylans link he gave you figure out your maintenance and cut that down. But if I were you I'd be cutting your carbs down
I did the link that Dylan gave me.. it says maintence 2274 and fat loss 1819 cal.. I'm currently taking in 1650 so already below the fat loss calories.
I did the link that Dylan gave me.. it says maintence 2274 and fat loss 1819 cal.. I'm currently taking in 1650 so already below the fat loss calories.
Then u need to re adjust your macros. Definitely way too high on carbs.
please list everything you are eating on a daily basis for a normal day so we can see where the problem is... clearly something is flawed
Ok I'm thinking I'm still eating too much..I'm 5'6 26 female. At 139. Cardio is 30ish min 4 x week make sure to burn at least 300cal each session.. and I recently added a stair session of 20 min. My main vacation is in 11 weeks. Uti have one in 6 weeks so am trying to move a bit of weight before that one.. I start week 4 sarms tomorrow... I've been doing iiifym. However making sure I'm hitting at least 30g fiber. 130p. 160c. 50f. I'm not having Cheat meals per say just fitting those into my cal and macro reakdown.. any advise.. def need to drop cals and maybe switch up my macros ?? To get things going again..

Raise protein a bit more and drop your carbs down below 100g. I'd honestly leave your fats close to where they are. I wouldn't advise going over 0.5g per pound of bodyweight but 50g for you is probably ideal.
Ok so I just got done with week 4 on the triple stack.. bf has went down 1.7% this month.lbm had increased 3 pounds. Wt is up.. more vascular aND more definition. Adjusted my macros.. and so excited to really step it up and see the next 8 weeks!!! Oh and my strength is up alot.. m pushing weights like I never had.. flat bench 60 pd. Db for a good solid 6 reps without help... :)
Ok so I just got done with week 4 on the triple stack.. bf has went down 1.7% this month.lbm had increased 3 pounds. Wt is up.. more vascular aND more definition. Adjusted my macros.. and so excited to really step it up and see the next 8 weeks!!! Oh and my strength is up alot.. m pushing weights like I never had.. flat bench 60 pd. Db for a good solid 6 reps without help... :)

IMPRESSIVE... thats what im talking about... thats A LOT of body fat to lose in just a month and to also increase 3 lbs... the beauty of hard work and dedication in conjunction with the right compounds and your seeing the benefits... you have plenty more to come!! your only 1/3 of the way through the cycle and already making this much improvement... keep utilizing the many strong abilities of GW and allow it to continue to increase your vo2max so your work output can continue to grow and in the process you will burn more fat and gain more lean body mass... the ultimate goal!
Not sure if u can see the changes well here or not.. but in person much better.. not super noticeable but I feel good.. no vision side affects yet tho.. is that normal.

wow... thats no small difference whatsoever... look at how much you have done in just 4 weeks! excellent job... you are just getting started to... keep on track as you are and you are going to smash past any goal you have set...
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