
New to forum and SArMs

So day 3 in on my sarms.. yesterday I had a small headache that seemed to stay around all day.. but today no headahce... also no changes in vision yet that I have noticed.. how long usually to start really noticing a differenece.. diet game is holding strong with cardio 4 days a week and weights 5-6days. I found that I can chase the awful taste with grapefruit juice and it works well
it will take a few weeks for the visions, chase them with grapefruit juice that will help it is still a little early to see any effects but it will happen within a few more days. I am def following this interested in your thoughts and results
Ok guys so 1 week and 2 days in on my stack.. I'm getting my bf done again today. Weight on scale went up. Not seeing alot of physical changes yet. Vision no affects yet. I chase with grapefruit juice makes it so much better. My strength I feel has l ready increased but that could just be me pushing it harder or some help from the stack.. looking forward to continuing and seeing the results
Ok guys so 1 week and 2 days in on my stack.. I'm getting my bf done again today. Weight on scale went up. Not seeing alot of physical changes yet. Vision no affects yet. I chase with grapefruit juice makes it so much better. My strength I feel has l ready increased but that could just be me pushing it harder or some help from the stack.. looking forward to continuing and seeing the results

If your not eating at a caloric deficit then that could cause the weight gain, also the vision sides should kick in around week 2. Im currently running s4 from sarmsx at 100mg a day and seeing no eye sides at all but just like you the strength gains are there. Honestly, since upping my dose i havent picked up a weight i couldnt work out with Lol best of luck to you on your goals and keep us posted
Ok guys so 1 week and 2 days in on my stack.. I'm getting my bf done again today. Weight on scale went up. Not seeing alot of physical changes yet. Vision no affects yet. I chase with grapefruit juice makes it so much better. My strength I feel has l ready increased but that could just be me pushing it harder or some help from the stack.. looking forward to continuing and seeing the results

Before I purchase the Shred stack... I decided to start with MK and GW. Around two weeks in I noticed I had gained more weight and my strength increase has been tremendous. My cloths are fitting me better even though I'm heavier. I am only trying these two for my first trail to see if the results of no-muscle wasting, muscle gain, and strength were true. It 100% is. I say just stick to your diet keep working hard and pushing your limits, which these products totally help with. Before I started... I did 3 sets of 50 push ups on chest day (150). Now I do 150 in one set (time based). The increased strength and endurance is the difference. I just don't feel as winded as before and the lactic acid seems to be on vacation during my workouts. Keep going Tina!
In worst case, if vision sides kick up, you can do 5/2 (5 days on 2 off).

My next cycle will have S4, and I tend to be sides prone, so thats my backup plan.
In worst case, if vision sides kick up, you can do 5/2 (5 days on 2 off).

My next cycle will have S4, and I tend to be sides prone, so thats my backup plan.
It's always best to slightly reduce dose to control vision sides if needed versus going to 5/2. That should be a last resort. That's not optimal at all

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
inbody scans are within 2% or so accurate but how do you think you look and feel in the mirror that is whats important unless you have to make a certain weight for comps I wouldn't worry about weight but it will start to come down for sure
It's always best to slightly reduce dose to control vision sides if needed versus going to 5/2. That should be a last resort. That's not optimal at all

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)

thx Rick, I'll do that first, reduce by how much?
Before I purchase the Shred stack... I decided to start with MK and GW. Around two weeks in I noticed I had gained more weight and my strength increase has been tremendous. My cloths are fitting me better even though I'm heavier. I am only trying these two for my first trail to see if the results of no-muscle wasting, muscle gain, and strength were true. It 100% is. I say just stick to your diet keep working hard and pushing your limits, which these products totally help with. Before I started... I did 3 sets of 50 push ups on chest day (150). Now I do 150 in one set (time based). The increased strength and endurance is the difference. I just don't feel as winded as before and the lactic acid seems to be on vacation during my workouts. Keep going Tina!

very nice brother... thats the beauty of them... while you are melting away fat, you dont have to sacrifice muscle in the process.. the scale is not any sort of determining factor here... dropping body fat is key... muscle weighs more than fat, so adding muscle may not help with the scale but the more muscle you have, the more fat you lose.. thats the goal, to lose as much fat as you can and get the most size and strength possible in the process and sarms allow this to occur...
Ok so as long as I see my bf going down we are good. This week I was down .5% bf. Sunday will mark 2 weeks on the cutting stack. I'm hoping to see some changes soon. My stats are 5'6 138ish pounds. Weights 6 times a week. Cardio 4 days at 30min. 1650 cal 4 days a week and 1610 3 days. No vision effects yet. I am chasing with grapefruit juice.
If you want to get that BF% down faster(do you have a timeline), you will need to drop the calories.

I need to cut at 1750 and I'm a male 5' 10 165....
I have exactly 8 weeks till vacation. I would definitely like to lean out more.. I am trying to get pics posted on here to get feedback etc
So I have now been on sarms triple stack 3 weeks. Wt has increased. Body fat down 1%. No measurement changes and to me I don't look different in thr belly section. I am stronger I feel. I look more vascular. Also a muscle increase.. I do not feel as if these are working to help lean me out as fast or as I would like to, but it's only 3 weeks and I am gaining strength and muscle so that's good and I'll take it. I'm hoping the next few weeks I really start to see a difference I have also dropped my calories some to help make a difference... no vision side effects yet either.
So I have now been on sarms triple stack 3 weeks. Wt has increased. Body fat down 1%. No measurement changes and to me I don't look different in thr belly section. I am stronger I feel. I look more vascular. Also a muscle increase.. I do not feel as if these are working to help lean me out as fast or as I would like to, but it's only 3 weeks and I am gaining strength and muscle so that's good and I'll take it. I'm hoping the next few weeks I really start to see a difference I have also dropped my calories some to help make a difference... no vision side effects yet either.

right don't sweat it, it is still early but you have increased strength and muscle tone it is just a matter of time before it starts coming off. how much are you thinking of losing? and like Montgomery said you really cant cut if you are eating at a maintenance level, cut calories increase cardio to help facilitate the fat loss 30 mins isn't enuff you need 45-60 mins a day. 1 thing and the most important is this process is a marathon not a sprint
It won't hurt you to use more than one sarm but you could make progress with one and add extras in your next few cycles. Fresh muscles will respond really well to just the intro of one new sarm or hormone. I see not reason to rush it but s4, GW and osta is a good typical triple stack that everyone seems to love.

Phurious Pharma Rep
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