Age 54, female, 5'7", 128 lbs, 19% on scale, 13 .5 % at max nutrition high tech scale. 20 yrs training, no cycle history. Goal is to harden up my soft glutes and look like a bikini competitor. I take Intek evolution protein powder, bcaa's preworkout and glutamine. I eat 90% clean: veggies, lean protein small amount of fruit, nuts, small to moderate amounts of complex carbs. I have hurt my lower back a few times so I don't go all out on heavy squats or deadlifts but do make them burn! I'm defined in my upper body but not lower that's why I was wanting to try one maybe two oral sarms. I don't want to get real freaky big just get my butt harder. Its like jello even though I work it hard! Any older fellow female gym rats out there with advice on sarms?
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