Hi I am new here. I found this through Dylans videos on You Tube so I guess he referred me. I am 50 YO with various PED and AAS experience but had not done anything since the mid '90s. I let myself slide for a while after I retired from the Military and started getting the bug again a little over a year ago. I was having a hell of a time losing fat and strength gains sucked so I went to a TRT clinic for testing. My total test was like 160 so they started me on 200mg test cyp a week Aramidex 1 mg/wk and 50 units HCG/wk. My test was 1205 after 6 wks. I just saved the HCG because I knew I would be doing more gear later and I don't think it's really necessary during test use, better after. I immediately started making great gains and having success with my diet. Now I really have the bug and am mid cycle on a Dbol, Deca, Test bulk cycle. Plan to do a lean cycle during spring and then just return to my TRT. Don't want to push my luck too hard and my experience has shown that more is not always better. There is so much info on here and so many new things I never knew about from my young days. The internet has changed everything.