Hey, guys I'm a new member on this forum. I've been watching the YouTube video and finally decided to make an account here as well. I'll just get right into it, I'm 27 been working out for 9yrs, 220lbs, 14 % body fat, 6 feet, I'm going to start competing after few years of thinking, no matters who I talk to everyone is on some kind of cycle, so I guess I'm jumping in as well, i have a good source for supplies, he's actually a big name team amassdr, and this will be my very first cycle of any sort. I got tren ace and test ace, sort esters is what he recommended, I also got Supps to aid against build up for estrogen, liver aid, kidney aid. My first and second pins were bad, I had fever, couldn't walk, and I did do research before I pinned myself, I was expecting it. Did a lot of research on how to properly pin, being steril and everything. Pins were good no infections, no redness on pin site. I've been pinning my quads. I would say so far cycle has been pretty terrible, I understand the concept of virgin muscles as well but am I doing anything wrong?!? Any help for be appreciated or what can I change so I do through the same sides every week. Thanks guys