I am running my first cycle of stacking Dbol and Tren together. I have limited experience and knowledge in all of the information that comes with running cycles and am looking for more expertise. The more I seem to research the more it seems I find that I don't know. I am nearing the end of my second week of this cycle and am seeing good changes already and a surprising difference in size which Im sure is from the Dbol. My concern is from everything i'm reading on the water retention and what will happen during the PCT's after my cycle is over. I'm wanting to limit as much as possible the loss of any size. Everything Ive read about GW sounds promising and I like the idea of it combating the problem with my cardio caused by Tren. My first question is at what point should I have started the GW through my cycle and for how long do I run it? Question 2 is if I order it now will I get it in time for it to do what I need it to do? Question 3 is with the cycle that I'm running what results should I expect to see throughout the cycle and PCT's? Question 4 is I know dose is recommended 20 mg approximately 30 min before workout but my workouts are never the same times of day due to my work schedule changing week to week. Will this cause any issues with my sleep? Id like to shred some of the fat I have around my midsection but keep the muscle that I'm gaining and Ive read the GW is great for this but I'm trying to get as much info as I can before ordering this. Plus Im not sure how much to order. I relied on a friend of a friend to order what I'm taking now and I want to make sure that if I order this myself I'm getting everything from a reputable and safe place. I know these are a lot of questions guys and I'm just looking for some guidance. I'm having to give myself a crash course in all of this. Thank you everyone for your time and patience.
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