Hey all! New to the forum, and new to the bodybuilding scene (although eager to get started) My question is on Winstrol. After catching DG's youtube video on winny, i couldnt wait to get my hands on some. I was in luck when a friend said he could help me in that area. Im waiting for my order now. Anyway, i recall reading in one of the posts here, that winny is basically pointless if your bodyfat is too high (no more than 12% ?). Well, i'm fucked then, as i am probabliy close to 20% right now. I recently went on a no carb diet, so that number will drop. I also just began a high intense arobic/resistance training program similar to that P90x, or Intensity. Its called Max workouts. Anyone have an opinion on that? So. I do that 6 days a week and i hit the gym 3-4 days for the heavier weights. Im only a couple of weeks into the diet and the training, so there aint much gains yet to speak of. When my winstrol arrives should i take immediately, or hold out till BF drops? I must point out that im prescribed test ciap for low test (just turned 50 last week) and i thought that the winny would be a nice fit with it. Or should i ditch it and go with something else alltogether? I must admit that while fascinated by this new world of anabolics that i have researched of late, i am intimidated by all the choices! I really would like to stack for max results, but of what? With minimal side effects? Any info would be greatly appreciated,