
New Cycle Questions


New member
Afternoon, I am looking at SARMS to help achieve my goal of loosing the body fat. Some background history: I lost 53 pounds over the last year. Went from 235 to 182lbs. From 33% BF to 18%BF. Here are my stats:

Age: 47
Height: 5' 9"
Body Fat Percent: Currently 18% want to get to 11-12%
Current Macros: 50% Protein, 30% Carbs; 20% Fat

Currently lifting 6 days a week(Days 1-3 Heavy) (Days 4-6 - Hi Reps). Each body part gets trained twice a week. I do a 1 minute cardio acceleration in between sets.

With all the working out I haven't been able to make the body fat dip any further.

I'm looking for suggestions:

1) Do I do a cut or recomp?
2) What does the cycle look like?
3) What does the PCT look like?


Ill let the other fellas run with the SARMs suggestions. I just wanted to say great job on the weight loss, getting fit, and not wanting to jump on steroid right away! SARMs should serve you well.
hell yes brother you are on your way great job I know I started my journey with test cyp and triple stack sarms and lost 40 lbs 8 inches in my waist and about 15% bf. I did plateau at about 214 lbs even with sarms for about 2 months but then it started to melt off down to 200. all of that in about 4 months then I did a mini pct. then bloodwork time off (which I should have bridged with sarms). gained some weight back about 10 lbs now im back on sarms super man stack with test cyp and adrol on the front side gained 18 lbs now its dropping back down with probably about 6 weeks left in this cycle I can say that I will have added about a solid 10 lbs of lean mass. I will let the pros tell you what they suggest for a sarms run but you will not be sorry you did. order from it is tried and true with most guys here.
Thanks guys it definitely takes hard work to get there. The hardest part in the whole equation is the diet but I learned a ton this past year. I just know I need that little extra edge to get where I want to be.
Afternoon, I am looking at SARMS to help achieve my goal of loosing the body fat. Some background history: I lost 53 pounds over the last year. Went from 235 to 182lbs. From 33% BF to 18%BF. Here are my stats:

Age: 47
Height: 5' 9"
Body Fat Percent: Currently 18% want to get to 11-12%
Current Macros: 50% Protein, 30% Carbs; 20% Fat

Currently lifting 6 days a week(Days 1-3 Heavy) (Days 4-6 - Hi Reps). Each body part gets trained twice a week. I do a 1 minute cardio acceleration in between sets.

With all the working out I haven't been able to make the body fat dip any further.

I'm looking for suggestions:

1) Do I do a cut or recomp?
2) What does the cycle look like?
3) What does the PCT look like?



Hey bro, I just want to say you've done an amazing job so far on your transformation and you have the right mindset to use Sarms to help you out in this next phase.

You obviously already know how to diet, so I would continue down that path of trying to strip the fat away in terms of your diet. I will set you up with the best stack for fat loss, but will still provide some nice strength and lean mass gains in the process. Basically a recomp but putting emphasis more on cutting more than anything.

This will treat you extremely well for your goals.

Here is the full protocol, and make sure to get it from to ensure you have the highest quality of products

1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-12 GW-510516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 mk-2866 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 SR-9009 30mg per day (5mg dosed 6 times every 2-3 hours)


Clomid 50/25/25/25
GW 20mg per day

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Afternoon, I am looking at SARMS to help achieve my goal of loosing the body fat. Some background history: I lost 53 pounds over the last year. Went from 235 to 182lbs. From 33% BF to 18%BF. Here are my stats:

Age: 47
Height: 5' 9"
Body Fat Percent: Currently 18% want to get to 11-12%
Current Macros: 50% Protein, 30% Carbs; 20% Fat

Currently lifting 6 days a week(Days 1-3 Heavy) (Days 4-6 - Hi Reps). Each body part gets trained twice a week. I do a 1 minute cardio acceleration in between sets.

With all the working out I haven't been able to make the body fat dip any further.

I'm looking for suggestions:

1) Do I do a cut or recomp?
2) What does the cycle look like?
3) What does the PCT look like?



welcome brother... before i get into helping you with you cycle i want to acknowledge some things to you and point out things to others...

1. FABULOUS EFFORT on getting your body fat and weight down and taking control of your life and showing how much health matters.. NOTHING BUT RESPECT

2. THANK YOU for reading and researching, seeing how to post stats and convey your message properly... YOU ARE A BREATH OF FRESH AIR

3. GREAT JOB on all your research, your efforts and for continuously researching and seeking more...

Might I suggest you post up your diet as well so we can go through and help you in areas that may need fixed... that needs to be precise and consistent and we can all definitely help you with it...

now, i have a perfect cycle for you... you still want to cut because you need to get your body fat down further... your well on your way and you can definitely get to where you desire but you should still be cutting at this point.. your ratios look great as they are... here's the layout i have for you...

1-12 sr9009 30 mg day... 5 mg split doses 2-3 hours apart
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-12 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 mk-2866 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
9-12 daa

Mini pct 13-16

clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day
Dylan & Rick,

Thanks so much for your inputs. Regarding diet here is what a typical day looks like:

4:15am - Protein Shake - 50g of Protein
4:30am - Pre Workout (Pre Jym)
5:00am to 6:15am - Workout
6:30am - Post Workout (Post Jym) & Protein Shake - 25g of Protein
8:30am - 3 Eggs, Spinach, 1/4 cup of 2% Mozza, Cook the eggs in coconut oil.
10:30am - Green Apple
12:00pm - 8 oz of Chicken Breast, 4oz sweet potato, 8-10 spears of asparagus
3pm - Protein Shake - 50g Protein
6pm - 6-8oz Chicken, Salmon, or Lean Beef, 4oz Sweet Potato or 1/2cup Quinoa, Green Beans or Broccoli

Water - Minimum 120oz a day

One last stupid question, do you take the SARMS on an empty stomach or can you take them with food?
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whatever works for you I take them on an empty stomach in the am because It just works out best for me to workout fasted. some need to eat with it because of heartburn that sarms "can" cause not always. so it is really what works for you but taking them with food has no impact on the potency or effects
Dylan & Rick,

Thanks so much for your inputs. Regarding diet here is what a typical day looks like:

4:15am - Protein Shake - 50g of Protein
4:30am - Pre Workout (Pre Jym)
5:00am to 6:15am - Workout
6:30am - Post Workout (Post Jym) & Protein Shake - 25g of Protein
8:30am - 3 Eggs, Spinach, 1/4 cup of 2% Mozza, Cook the eggs in coconut oil.
10:30am - Green Apple
12:00pm - 8 oz of Chicken Breast, 4oz sweet potato, 8-10 spears of asparagus
3pm - Protein Shake - 50g Protein
6pm - 6-8oz Chicken, Salmon, or Lean Beef, 4oz Sweet Potato or 1/2cup Quinoa, Green Beans or Broccoli

Water - Minimum 120oz a day

One last stupid question, do you take the SARMS on an empty stomach or can you take them with food?

in some circumstances, sarms have upset a few users' stomaches, and they have needed food but otherwise it makes no difference either way...

your diet is pretty good bro.. im impressed... as far as cutting down further, some things i would change... drop the mozzarella... drop the coconut oil and just use olive oil or coconut spray... drop the sweet potato and get more vegetables... one things clear here is your not getting near enough fiber or veggies... all your you need a few more servings of veggies... try to add some oats in here... perhaps a grapefruit, also look at lean turkey, fish, etc... drop the salmon and lean beef for now and change the fish to white fish... tuna in water and low sodium is a great option as well.. make these tweaks... add varieties of vegetables... mushrooms, zuchini, green beans, broccoli, etc.. your very close but a few changes need to be made...
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