Hey Dylan
I am big fan of yours I almost watch all of your videos on YouTube I just started a test only cycle I take test enenthate 250 mg per week this is my 2nd week and I realised now my penis looks softer my libido is going down and it is very surprising for me because I heard that test makes your dick hard but looks very soft and I don't feel any tightness at all that its used to be when i am naturl I don't know what's going on with me should I stoped my cycle? Pls I need your urgent help.
I am big fan of yours I almost watch all of your videos on YouTube I just started a test only cycle I take test enenthate 250 mg per week this is my 2nd week and I realised now my penis looks softer my libido is going down and it is very surprising for me because I heard that test makes your dick hard but looks very soft and I don't feel any tightness at all that its used to be when i am naturl I don't know what's going on with me should I stoped my cycle? Pls I need your urgent help.