
Need real help

155 pounds around 12% body fat 5.57743
i am doing 8 weeks cycle
primo 10ML
parabolan 10ML
winstrol 20ML
Boldenone 10ML
growth daily 10 in the insulin pin
4 anavar pills daily
i dont care about the side effects and the pain while i am injecting through the cycle i know its really pain the ass what is concern me is the long term side effects in the long term most imprtant thing is natural Test level and sex drive after finishing the cycle
i am doing this without Test because my goal not to go big just to get repped at the same wight or gain 3 KG of solid muscle
i am doing this cycle and i ma certain that i will not do this again i want to make the best out of it
many thx for all your reply i gave you all the information and now just started my third week
any one can advice me why without Test is just waste of time money
thx again

you cant be serious... i mean it bro... noone on the planet can you help... you need to get a grip big time... you dont care about the side effects? do you care about LIVING??? long term side effects are an absolute certainty with this... its not a chance, its a guarantee... your attitude is beyond bad on this and your so undersized as it is, your going to absolutely destroy yourself.. you have NO CLUE and i mean NO CLUE what your doing and honestly, im not sure you even make it out of this if you dont stop and listen... i mean it... your are the road to a big and i mean big issue if you don't lose the attitude and listen
this has got to be a joke or a troll or some shit, if it is serious we will read about your dumb ass you are what gives aas a bad name. hope you listen but from your first response you don't care about anything except natural test and sex drive to gain 7 lbs haha you will lose more than that including your nuts
Sorry for my language again , I don't mean that I don't care about side effect while I am using steroids it's so painful but I was wanted to say I can handle this for 8 weeks , but my problem and why I am writing for experince people is that I don't want to live with long term side effect , and if I don't want to listen why I am here writing for you guys !!
I will not inject my self anything now ,
If I stopped using tren and primo , and start using test ,again there will be suppress for the natural test can you guys please
And from what I am using also will be suppress for the natural test , so both the ways it will be suppressed so what is the difference between both
Thx a lot
Bro, your post is titled " NEED REAL HELP". Your getting help from everyone here. You should slow your roll and learn from these guys trying to help you.
Put your Gear in a safe place and do a whole lot of research before you go any further.
you cant be serious... i mean it bro... noone on the planet can you help... you need to get a grip big time... you dont care about the side effects? do you care about LIVING??? long term side effects are an absolute certainty with this... its not a chance, its a guarantee... your attitude is beyond bad on this and your so undersized as it is, your going to absolutely destroy yourself.. you have NO CLUE and i mean NO CLUE what your doing and honestly, im not sure you even make it out of this if you dont stop and listen... i mean it... your are the road to a big and i mean big issue if you don't lose the attitude and listen

This and everything else that's been said I agree with. You do realize you wasted a ton of money at any rate considering to cut fat you need like 1 steroid period anyway??? Having said that, steroids aren't fat burners and people only take them when they do a cut so they won't lose as much muscle. You seem to think that's all gonna melt the fat off of you. Well you're so wrong. Listen to everyone here because this cycle it's fucking nuts. Jesus... HGH, really???!

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This and everything else that's been said I agree with. You do realize you wasted a ton of money at any rate considering to cut fat you need like 1 steroid period anyway??? Having said that, steroids aren't fat burners and people only take them when they do a cut so they won't lose as much muscle. You seem to think that's all gonna melt the fat off of you. Well you're so wrong. Listen to everyone here because this cycle it's fucking nuts. Jesus... HGH, really???!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Damn Jack, I think you scared him away with that one ! Haha
Sorry for my language again , I don't mean that I don't care about side effect while I am using steroids it's so painful but I was wanted to say I can handle this for 8 weeks , but my problem and why I am writing for experince people is that I don't want to live with long term side effect , and if I don't want to listen why I am here writing for you guys !!
I will not inject my self anything now ,
If I stopped using tren and primo , and start using test ,again there will be suppress for the natural test can you guys please

You have no idea what type of side effects you are facing, both short and long term, so how can you say you'll be fine for 8 weeks when you don't know?

You definitely are making a "better" decision by dropping everything but test, but I really don't even think you should be using that right now. You have a lot to learn and you need to build a better foundation first. If you want to use anything stick to a sarms stack which I will be more than happy to set you up with
I just started my first cycle ever , I saw many videos of yours , however I am new to steroids and didn't know that parabolan blend is trenbolone , once I saw your video I got really scared and had on ml of parabolan injection, what would be the best replacement for parabolan
This is my cycle

Thx a lot man for your videos they are very helpful , please if you can response asap as i will stop injecting parabolan .
Ps please excuse my English language

Allow me to say that one of the most important part of a cycle is the precycle and it includes read as much as you can, ask as much as you need and learn as much as you must in order to have a safe cycle.

I´d recommend you to read and ask here. And, surely, as Maxx is saying, a beginner cycle with less components.
Allow me to say that one of the most important part of a cycle is the precycle and it includes read as much as you can, ask as much as you need and learn as much as you must in order to have a safe cycle.

I´d recommend you to read and ask here. And, surely, as Maxx is saying, a beginner cycle with less components.

well said brother... ask RickRock as well... before we ever ran our first cycle, we studied for nearly 6 months or more... over and over again until there is a full and complete understanding and then STILL asked a lot of questions throughout etc and we were fully versed on what we were doing... you need to develop a large knowledge base before even considering doing anything
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