Hi Dylan. I keep going through your youtube videos and they provide me with a lot of sufficient info. I wanted to discuss my situation with you. Last year, i ran a cycle of test prop, stana and anavar. I only took 3 shots of test, 100 mg each, 3 shots of stanazol 50 mg each and 15 tablets of anavar. I didnt run a pct because my trainer rolled that stuff to me which was totally new for me. Now the thing is i have gynocomastia since i was 15-16 due to hormonal imbalances, currently i am 21. Now year later i feel that it has increased, the change is negligible but somewhere i feel it has. In your videos you suggested almost everytime to run blood works. I got my total testosterone tested which was 897 ng/dl. I consulted it with my trainer and he told me that it is too high and it must be converting into estrogen. So i wanted know it from you beacuse i feel that you are the only youtuber who provdies with the exact info. So sir, should i run an estro test? And if it comes out to be high, what should i do further? I hope you answer to my query as i am in desperate need of your help.