I appreciate the honest response. I've been into bodybuilding since late 2012 when I weighed 130lbs, so about 6 years now. Moreso on than off, and it has always been completely natural. Once I finally got my diet in check I was benching 225 for 12 reps and climbing fast naturally, until I got an unlucky lip infection mentioned in the OP that caused rapid muscle loss. So the reason I'm looking for quick results is because I lost my muscle so quick. To the point that people noticed and thought I had gotten aids or something. I do have patience and that comment was more of a joke than anything else. Yet I do standby the fact that yes, I do not have the patience at this current point to complete this cycle without rad140 while it sits on my dresser, untouched. If I hadn't just lost all of the muscle I had worked so hard for to put on, my patience would be a lot higher toward this particular area in my life.
You're right, it is a free country and I will be taking the Rad140 along with my current stack. Maybe S4 too. I'm not sure yet. I'm willing to bet, however, that I'll be absolutely fine and nothing bad will come of it after I finish my PCT. I suppose time will tell..